Chapter- 10

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Coming out of the room, after instructing the nurse what to do if Xiao Zhan felt discomfort and pain again, Wang YiBo encountered a pitiful mother who had stood there for a long time hoping to get a little reassurance from him, about his son's condition. Wang YiBo walked over to her to reassure her that all was well. That everything will be fine.

However, it was not easy to say what she wanted to hear, given that Xiao Zhan's condition was serious enough. It has never been easier for them when the loved ones of a patient who has lost the will to continue living, look to them for some magic words that revive their fading hopes.

He always did his best to give them everything that would keep their hopes from fading away, so that they could believe and continue their lives with all their might.

Hope for a better future!

And it is the only thing that inspires a person to do the impossible and makes miracles possible. So his experience said that now he had to do exactly the same by reassuring Mrs. Xiao.

"How is my son, Dr. Wang?" Seeing him approaching, the poor woman hastily asked him.

"Xiao Zhan is sleeping now. Don't worry he will get better soon." Wang Yibo tried to ease her anxiety.

"He was in pain for many days and no one could do anything for him. Just saying they're trying." Mrs. Xiao muttered to herself. Then she looked up and said. "You're saying he'll get better soon? But I want to ask you, when will it be soon, Dr. Wang? How long will it take him to get rid of this unbearable pain? He has been in a lot of pain for many days and till now he has not got any relief. How much does he have to suffer? Is there any cure for it? If not, why are you all giving us false hopes? Why don't you ask us to take him from here? Why?"

Although Wang Yibo was already feeling uneasy and a little guilty seeing Xiao Zhan struggle with his injury and pain, Mrs. Xiao's words struck a chord and his guilt swelled.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Xiao that I haven't been able to keep in touch with Dr. Li and don't know how Xiao Zhan is doing. Now, while I'm here, I can only assure you that I will find whatever is needed to treat him. Please give me some time. I have reviewed his report and I see some hope for him. I will do my best to make it right." When Wang Yibo spoke these words to the helpless mother, he was determined.

Mrs. Xiao simply listened silently to what he was saying to her and looked at him in astonishment when she saw the fierce determination in his watchful eyes.

Wang Yibo was beginning to be wary of those sharp and detached glances from last time. Sensing his discomfort, Mrs. Xiao closed her eyes and nodded as if she was acknowledging him. She is also willing to give this doctor a chance. Hopefully, Dr. Wang will be able to cure her son. Slightly bowing his head, Wang Yibo said goodbye and left.


Stepping on the accelerator, Wang Yibo pulled out of the parking lot to meet his cousin and her husband, with whom he was going to have lunch. He was looking forward to this luncheon meeting for two reasons. Firstly, to avoid being scolded by his mother for not being able to meet his cousin last time, who used to constantly throw tantrums at him for this and his mother had to make a lot of efforts to persuade her. And second, he wanted to know their opinion on an important matter.

No sooner was he outside the hospital premises than he received a message from his cousin asking where he was and when he would be coming to the restaurant. He was still near the crowded area outside the hospital, so he thought of responding later to avoid any accident due to his carelessness.

But when his inbox kept flooding with new messages, his phone wouldn't stop buzzing with notifications, and this annoyed him at his cousin's impatience. Finding a slightly less busy part of the main road, he picked up his phone from the dashboard shelf and answered that he was on his way. He did not bother to ask whether they had come or not.

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