Chapter- 16

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In the lush green valley, flowers of various shades were blooming gracefully, lit up with the brightest white glimmer, like hundreds of suns shining together, giving it a glorious significance. In this blessed place, a lonely man stood on his heels, looking at the scenery in awe. 

His heart was calm and warm, with the purity filled in air, when the air passed by him caressed his skin with its cold waves. With his closed eyes, he was enjoying the sweet aroma; dissipate in the surrounding and feeling the soothing calmness of the scenery. Filling the canvas of his heart with the allure shades of different colors from the flowers, he bowed inwardly to the Creator of the nature.

Lost in the tranquility of the surrounding he brought back to the moment when he felt a presence of someone behind him. 

Turning around to the person present there, he saw a slender figure with an glowing exquisite appearance. There she was, standing in front of him, smiling at him with twinkling eyes full of affection. She had a swaddle in her arms. His eyes lit up at the sight of her. They were full of love and fondness. He watched at her for a long minute before giving her a sweet smile. He proceeded to be in her space with mixed feelings of joy and sadness.

Taking slow steps, she also came closer to him and stood in his space, filling it with her glorious presence. He stared at her fondly if he was capturing the every detail of the other’s exterior in his heart, through his eyes. A shine flashed in his glistening orbs at the sight of the other as he was seeing her after an eternity. A desire to capture her in his hold ignited in his heart but also his heart tightened at the intensified urge to take her in his embrace.

Before he could do anything, the other's gestured made him stiffed on his place.

Leaning forward, the slender figure put her head on the other's chest and with this gesture of her, he felt an ache at the extreme in his heart to make it stop beating. He stood stunned as if he forgot to precede the happening. The downpour from his mist eyes started to stream. He didn’t know why he was feeling this need to crash all the barricades of his heart and let go of everything that he had been held inside. He was confused by the pain he was feeling at this very moment.

Shouldn't he be happy to see her?

Then, why?

Why is this pain burning his entire being?  Why is it piercing his soul?

Why is he afraid of holding her as if she will be perished if he touches her?

Although he was scared deep down, a part of him was telling him not to miss this chance and to hold her tight and never let her go.

And then, listening to his heart and closing his eyes to let all the tears flow from them, he raised his arms, collecting his vitality and encircled them around her, in a resolute to hide her there for forever. He feared that she would leave if he opened his arms. With that spectacle, he pulled her closer even more tightly in his hold. She leaned more in his intention and he hardened his grip around her.

Just when he was in his contented world of enjoying this moment of having her with him, a small movement between their bodies instantly pulled them apart when he felt a light kick on his ribs.

Frowning on the hit, he noticed that she was looking down at the thing in her arms with an amused smile so he also, following her gaze peeked into the little space between their bodies where the swaddle, securely wrapped in a graceful hold, making some motions there and in the silence around one could hear the faint sounds coming from the wrap. He stood there flabbergasted with his chaotic mind… without any hustle and bustle.

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