Chapter - 34

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Xiao Zhan, who was now sitting in the middle of the living room, was watching everything with confusion and curiosity which was happening in the house. Everything was in disarray and there was no space even to set foot in the room. The entire room was in a mess, due to which the things kept in the room were moved from their places. Only, the floor around his wheelchair was cleared to make some space for him to stay.

After bringing Xiao Zhan out of his room, Wang YiBo left him there and went out to check something when someone called him.

Standing next to Xiao Zhan, Mrs Xiao was looking outside the door, where some people were unloading stuff from a tempo. A short distance away from them, near the outer fence, Wang Yibo was standing with a short but heavy-built middle-aged man. Both were talking about something and in the middle of their conversation, the man was giving instructions to the people working there.

"What's going on here, Mama?", Xiao Zhan interrupted his mother's stare as he saw some more stuff moving into the hall from outside.

"YiBo bought some things and they are here to deliver them.", his mother replied simply.

"I can see that but... why did he suddenly feel the need to do this? Is it...because of us? Are we becoming a burden on them?" He did not like to be a burden on others and certainly, not on a stranger. It was a big NO.

"I don't know anything. But... I feel the same way.", she whispered in the last sentence, not for Xiao Zhan to hear.

What could she tell? She had no idea what Wang Yibo was doing and bought or what he had in mind. She was also confused and watched everything with compliance.

With the help of others, items that were taken off from the tempo were brought inside the house, in the living room. They were well wrapped in some boxes. They all kept in there, in one corner and Xiao Zhan's gaze didn't leave the newly arrived things. Wang Yibo walked inside too, with the same middle-aged man.

"Boys, open them carefully and start your work." The man told the people who took the items inside. They instantly obeyed him. This made clear to Xiao Zhan that he was their boss.

"Uncle, let me introduce you to someone." Seeing Xiao Zhan looking at them, Wang Yibo said to the man. He nodded and Wang Yibo led him to his guests - Xiao Zhan and his mother.

He introduced Xiao Zhan and his mother to the man, who greeted both of them very warmly, especially Xiao Zhan. "Hello, young man! Nice to meet you." He said with a smile that reminded Xiao Zhan of his father.

Xiao Zhan, who has always felt self-conscious when meeting strangers, was encountering a different feel today. First Zhou Shi and now this man made him comfortable with their presence. He saw no threat or malice or pity in their eyes, in their behaviour. He felt safe and.....comfortable around them.

"And, this's Uncle Kiyai, a friend of my father." YiBo said.

"Nice to meet you too." Shaking the hands with old man, these words automatically came from Xiao Zhan, to welcome that person.

Mrs. Xiao was enthralled by her son's slightly spontaneous reaction.

Wang Yibo asked the man to have a seat. He asked for Mrs. Xiao to join too and called his mother who seemed to be waiting to be called as soon after the call, she appeared with teacups on a tray. He greeted the man. "Brother Kiyai, we haven't met for a long time. Where have you been? How were you doing?"

"Yes, it's been long. I'm doing good A-Yi. How are you?" He replied.

"I'm fine too. What about Mei Jie and A-Feng?" Mrs Wang set the tray on the table.

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