Chapter - 33

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A loud ear-piercing sound coming from nowhere startled Xiao Zhan; to jolt him awake. The unexpected shock made him dizzy, he felt that everything was spinning around him. Holding his head which was throbbing in pain in his hands and pressing it lightly, he looked around with sleepy eyes. There was no one in the room, who could make such a loud noise. Then where does it come from?

With half-open eyes, he saw that the whole room was glowing with sunlight coming from the curtains drawn away from the window. It seemed that today would be a bright sunny day.

It looked as if he was late to wake up. Why was no one here today? Did he sleep for a long time? Where is Wang Yibo? Why didn't he wake him up? Had he already left for the hospital?

As soon as this thought came, all the events of the previous night started playing in his mind like a reel. He was shocked to think how he fought with the other and how he teased him. He never thought he could still act like this. It was surprising for him too.

How nice it would be if the other one went to the hospital and Xiao Zhan didn't have to deal with him. How happy he would be if he didn't have to see Wang Yibo for a while. After what happened a day before, it was embarrassing for Xiao Zhan to face Wang Yibo, at the very moment. 

His train of thoughts would have continued to run like this if a sudden pressure in his lower abdomen had not made him realize that he needed to call someone right now; who could help him in completing his morning routine.

Just as he was going to call his mother so that with her support, he could go to the bathroom, another wave of the shrill sound startled him, making his heart beat uncontrollably. He felt as if it would come out of his chest. Anger erupted in his veins like a volcano running to destroy everything.

What the hell is it? Who is doing this?

Raking his hand through his hair and clenching a good amount of it in his fist, he pulled them in frustration and cursed the person under his breath that whoever was the cause of the sound. What are they doing to create such sounds in the morning? Waking up in such an ‘ear-splitting’ way would never be a likable thing for anyone; then how could it be for him?

“Mama..!”, He called out but his voice was drowned by another loud sound that seemed coming just from the outside of his room. He peeked to the right; towards the drawer. There was a clock and it was showing ten in the morning. He is really late today.

But what kind of commotion is there even at this time of the morning? What's happening outside? He questioned again to himself.

“Mamaaaaaa….!” He called again, louder, and then heard the door slowly opening. But instead of his mother, the one he wanted to see least at this moment, came in. Wang Yibo had his usual smile on his face.

In contrast to Xiao Zhan's sad look, his smile was full of brightness.

“Good morning, Xiao Zhan!”, He walked up to the bed hurriedly.

Wang Yibo wished him good morning when he found him awake and was staring at him like a dummy. Xiao Zhan ignored him as usual. However, many things changed in them, such as Xiao Zhan not resisting Wang YiBo’s offer to help him with his morning routine, bathing him, feeding him, and taking him out to his small lawn. They basically started talking about things they like. It was as if Wang Yibo had asked him and he only gave a short answer.

Still, most of the time, Xiao Zhan ignored him as he did now because he was embarrassed and Wang Yibo didn’t know it. Practically, this was a good thing for Xiao Zhan. Otherwise, Wang YiBo would not have missed this opportunity to tease him.

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