Chapter - 27

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Once Wang Yibo entered, he found that Xiao Zhan was already awake and found him trying to peek out through the closed curtains of the window.

"Hey! You're awake." Wang Yibo walked over to him and placed the tray on the bedside table.

Hearing a soft voice in the quiet room, Xiao Zhan turned his head and looked at the person coming in to see what he was doing.

“How long have you been awake?  Why didn't you call anyone?" Wang Yibo asked with displeasure. He thought that Xiao Zhan must be awake quite late and feeling lonely and there was no one around at this time. He was a little disappointed with himself that he was late in coming down and didn't check on him beforehand.

"Someone... shouted. Is… is everything…. okay?"  Xiao Zhan asked in his hoarse and almost inaudible voice.

At first, Wang Yibo was taken aback by the question, but when he understood it, he laughed and told him the reason. "Oh! That! That's my mom who shouted. It's nothing. I was just teasing her and she was yelling at me. Don't worry, it's all right."  Xiao Zhan only hummed in response.

Wang Yibo gave him some water to drink and then he put his hand under the blanket cover over Xiao Zhan and grabbed the hot pack bottle next to him. He did the same with the other one which was near his feet.  Both were still a little warm. He took them out from the blanket and placed them on a nearby chair. He made small talk and asked Xiao Zhan how well he slept, to which Xiao Zhan didn't feel the need to answer.

Xiao Zhan became silent again, and this was nothing new to Wang Yibo. It didn't matter. He didn't even expect an answer. He wanted Xiao Zhan to feel comfortable in these new surroundings. For this, even if he has to be the only person to talk, he will happily do so; unless Xiao Zhan willingly opens up to him and starts sharing things.

He walked over, near to Xiao Zhan's head placed a hand under his neck lifted Xiao Zhan's upper body, and made him sit straight with the support of the pillow. Xiao Zhan did not protest against his action and Wang Yibo was only happy with it. At this time, tacit acceptance of cooperation was enough for Wang Yibo.

“How are you feeling now?" Wang Yibo asked as he checked Xiao Zhan's temperature, which seemed to be normal at this point. "Are you still feeling cold?"

Xiao Zhan shook his head. As soon as he woke up, he realized that he was no longer cold and the temperature in the room was actually better than before.

Wang Yibo gave his warm and soft smile at Xiao Zhan's response. “The problem with the heater has been fixed and it is now heating the room properly. You won't feel cold anymore."

“Thank you!" A meek voice was heard, surprising Wang Yibo with its tenderness. Xiao Zhan was something that never missed a chance to surprise Wang Yibo with his switch of emotions. Sometimes he would have been kind and polite, sometimes he was obedient and thoughtful, and sometimes, he seemed wild and violent. He was full of surprises that Wang YiBo was eager to find whenever he was with him.

Wang Yibo wonders whether he will be able to understand this person one day.  If he can do so, at least then he will try to mold this person into a new shape, a betterment, which he deserved after so much suffering.

"You are welcome!" Wang Yibo replied matter-of-factly. "I'm sorry for the trouble this caused you. It was working fine when I left yesterday. I didn't have any idea that it would stop working by the time we returned."

Xiao Zhan didn't say anything else, just nodded his head. What can he say about the device that may have shut down unexpectedly? But the manner in which the polite doctor apologized made him feel a little uneasy thinking that he was again apologizing without any reason. Then it wasn't his fault. He felt that this man was very polite to him and that it was unfair to hold a grudge against him without any reason.

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