Chapter - 35

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As she called out her son's name, Mrs. Xiao entered the room and scanned every corner, searching for the whereabouts of the person she was seeking. Her gaze settled on her son, who was sitting in his wheelchair, his eyes fixed on the open window, his gaze focused on some distant point beyond.

The room was quiet except for the sound of the wind blowing gently through the window, and her son's deep, steady breathing. The light streaming in from the window illuminated his features, casting his face in a soft glow. At that moment, Mrs Xiao felt a sense of peace and calm wash over her finding him though he was lost in thought, his mind far away from the confines of his room.

He has got this window that has quickly become his favorite spot since the day he arrived here. It's a place where he can find a few moments of solace and peace, after enduring an eternity of dark and misty years filled with unbearable pain, intense suffering, deep remorse, and endless anguish.

This window has become a connection between his inner and outer worlds, a portal that transports him to a different dimension where he can leave his worries behind and contemplate the beauty of nature.

From this window, he can spend hours gazing out at the breathtaking scenery that surrounds him. He can ponder his life, which has been devoid of color for far too long. Yet, he can also see the high mountain standing majestically in the distance, adorned with the most charming colors of nature.

It is a sight that fills him with hope and inspiration, reminding him that there is still beauty and wonder in the world despite all the hardships he has faced. Rows of trees laden with flowers flourish at the mountain's feet, adding to the stunning view that he can't get enough of.

Still, whenever he gazed up at the towering peak, he couldn't help but feel a sense of desolation and isolation emanating from it. Despite its grandeur, there was an eerie stillness that seemed to surround it, with no signs of any kind of liveliness around. It was as if the peak was a world unto itself, cut off from the rest of the world by some unknown force.

As he continued to stare, he found himself lost in thought, wondering how lonely that grandiose top of the peak must feel. He longed to know more about this mysterious place, but it remained shrouded in mystery, its secrets tantalizingly out of reach. The more he tried to unravel its enigma, the more it seemed to elude him, and yet there was something about it that felt strangely familiar, even as it remained stubbornly unfamiliar.

Xiao Zhan had a deep affection for this place, and there were another reasons for it, too.

The mountain's foothills were adorned with lush orchards of peach trees, and whenever the wind blew through them, the air would be filled with an overwhelmingly sweet fragrance that would soothe even the most restless of minds. Xiao Zhan found that just a single whiff of this fragrance would cause his senses to become light and relaxed, providing a much-needed respite from his years of constant restlessness and insatiability. The sweetness of the fragrance was so intoxicating that it had become one of the few things that could truly bring him peace and calm.

Spotting him in that spot, she smiled and walked over to approach him.

"A-Zhan," she called out to him softly, her voice barely above a whisper. She waited for a response from him, but all she heard was the sound of silence. This made her frown, and with a deep line of worry etched on her face, she took a step closer to him. She noticed that he was lost in thought and staring intently at something in the distance, and he didn't seem to have noticed her presence beside him.

With a sudden touch, she put her hand on his shoulder, hoping to bring him back to the present moment.

At that moment, Xiao Zhan seemed to snap out of his stupor and jerked his head aside to see the intruder with a startle that put him in a stage of awakening. He looked at her with a mix of surprise and confusion, as if he had no idea how long she had been there or why she had come to see him, still in daze.

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