Maximum effort (I.N.)

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I.N. always did his best in practices and concerts. Anywhere they had to perform, he was giving it his all. He didn't always have to but that's what he did anyways, no matter how big or small of a stage they were on.

Having six older brothers before him made things a little harder for I.N. than it did for the other members. He was always being watched and monitored so if he made even the smallest mistake, someone would know and scold him for it. As he looked back now, he realized that this was not a small mistake and his hyungs were going to be pissed. He was done for, gone, never going to be seen again. He might as well post his sincerest thoughts and farewells to Stays now because he wasn't going to get a chance when he went home.

Not even when he went home. He wasn't going to get a chance to explain himself the moment 3RACHA left their studio and saw that the dance room lights were on. I.N. could go turn them off but he was kind of stuck on the floor and he didn't want to be out of commission with a broken ankle. So he sat on the floor and waited for one of his 3RACHA hyungs to realize something was wrong or for Minho, Hyunjin, Felix or Seungmin to realize he wasn't in bed. Whichever one came first.

He had generally preferred his fellow maknaes or second and fourth oldest hyungs to find out first but then he realized that no matter who found him first, word would get to Chan and that was a nightmare waiting to take place.

"Well, this is interesting" Jeongin had his head down, trying to relax before getting caught. He looked up at whoever walked in and was met with all seven of his hyungs.

"Shit" The word escaped his lips before he could stop himself but he quickly covered his mouth.

"Mhm, whatcha doing there Jeongin?" Chan crossed his arms. He was standing in the very center, Minho and Changbin on either side of him and Hyunjin and Jisung behind them and Felix and Seungmin in the very back. They were standing in age order, of course.

"Just chilling, hyung. What are you doing?" Jeongin knew he was going to pay the price for such a smart remark later on but he didn't care at the moment and gave his best innocent smile.

"Cut the crap, kid. Why are you here?" Chan's tone changed; he was pissed. All of them were, which might have been part of the reason why I.N. was so hesitant to answer.

"Practicing. What does it look like?" Jeongin responded, annoyed. His ankle was throbbing, the floor was getting very uncomfortable and none of his hyungs had moved to help him up.

"Hey! Watch who you are talking to" Minho scolded. I.N. wanted to roll at his eyes at that, even though that was a bad idea. Instead he just looked at Minho, annoyed.

"Drop the attitude. It looks like you are breaking curfew, breaking and entering into a company building and being a sarcastic little brat" Chan answered, listing off his maknae's offenses. I.N. lowered his head. He did feel bad for breaking his members' trust but he needed to do better on stage and if sneaking into the company after curfew was the only way to do that, then that's what he would have to do.

"Are you hurt?" Chan questioned. I.N. looked up at him from under his bangs, deciding to stay quiet instead of giving his injury away. Chan asked again but he still got no answer. That's when Hyunjin stepped forward and gently kicked I.N.'s injured foot.

"Ow!" I.N. glared at his fourth hyung with betrayal in his eyes.

"Hwang Hyunjin!" Chan grabbed the younger's arm, pulling him back and pushing him behind the others. Changbin grabbed onto the dancer, quietly scolding him for hurting their maknae. Hyunjin just shrugged, not a single ounce of remorse evident anywhere.

"I'll ask again, are you hurt?" Chan turned back to the maknae. I.N. gathered up all his courage to answer.

"My ankle" He whispered but it was heard in the silence of the room. Chan nodded and crouched down, gently poking at the maknae's injured ankle. Jeongin winced at certain spots but offered no complaint. After making sure that I.N. didn't have a broken ankle, Chan stood back and held a hand out to the maknae. I.N. eyed it suspiciously.

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