Serpent road (I.N.)

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I.N. was extremely excited. He had just gotten his license and he could not wait to get out and drive for the first time ever! Of course there were limitations but he didn't care; I.N. had freedom. 

"Can I please go now, hyung!?" I.N. whined. He was getting tired of the lecture from Chan. 

"Yes, just remember to be careful. And stay off the back roads, I don't want you on those yet" Chan nodded, figuring he had said everything he needed to and all he could do now was trust I.N.

"Thank you hyung!" I.N. hugged Chan quickly and ran off.

"I.N! Aren't you forgetting something?" Chan stopped the maknae.

"No?" I.N didn't think he was missing anything. He had his wallet, his license and some money in case he wanted to get food.

"It's kind of hard to drive a car without the keys to said car" Chan pulled the keys out of his pocket, throwing them to I.N.

"And hey, I'm trusting you I.N. I hope I won't have to regret it" Chan added. I.N promised that he wouldn't so the oldest finally let him go, warning the maknae to be back in two hours.

Chan had been staring at the clock for the past ten minutes and time seemed to be going so slowly.

"Staring at the clock isn't going to make him magically appear" Seungmin stated, lowering his phone a little.

"I know" Chan sighed, finally tearing his eyes away from the time. Seungmin turned back to his phone. He tried not to show it but he was worried about I.N, just like the others were. It wasn't like the maknae to be late for anything. If his hyungs said to be back at a certain time, then he was back at that time. Two hours later, Felix's phone rang and he looked at it, his face lighting up with relief.

"Innie, where are you? You were supposed to be home two hours ago" Felix mouthed to the others that I.N was okay.

"You what? Where are you, Jeongin?" Felix's voice got deeper. No one could hear what their baby bread was saying on the other side but they knew it was bad if Felix was getting angry.

"Okay, just stay put. Hyung is coming to get you" Felix tried to calm down as he ended the call. He got up without a word, leaving the house.

Meanwhile, two hours before, I.N. was speeding down a mountain road, not a single care in the world. He knew that he was late but he didn't care. What was the worst that could happen?

As it turns out, the worst that could happen did happen. I.N had no choice but to call one of his hyungs. He chose Felix because the younger Australian was less likely to actually get upset though I.N later realized he would have a better chance with Jisung or even Hyunjin, who would never hurt or scold him.

"Oww, hyung! Let go!" I.N. whined, trying to keep up with Felix's quick pace, if only to alleviate the pain on his ear from the firm grip that Felix had on his ear. 

"Yang Jeongin! Stop whining and walk faster. You are in so much trouble, kid" Felix ordered.

"Don't call me a kid, I'm only a year younger" I.N. muttered but unfortunately, Felix heard him.


"Ow!" I.N. glared at his hyung. Felix let go of his ear, grabbing I.N. firmly by the back of the neck and dragging him along down the street. I.N. clung to Felix's hand, trying to get him to let go. It was less painful but more embarrassing being dragged down the street like a rebellious child. 

"What was the one rule that Channie-hyung put in place before you left?" Felix demanded to know.

"No driving on the back roads" I.N. sulked. 

"And?" Felix waited. 

"Be back in two hours" I.N. added. Felix nodded, they were just now getting to the dorm but Felix stopped, keeping them from going inside. He had a few more things to say before the others could get to I.N. 

"That does not mean that you fuck off for two hours and do whatever you want. We were worried about you, Jeongin. It's important for you to follow rules. If you didn't agree then you could have said so but you still come back when one of us tells you to. Do I make myself clear?" Felix couldn't believe that he was scolding I.N. He sounded like Lee Know. 

"Perfectly clear" I.N. nodded, feeling a lot worse for worrying his hyungs than he did for breaking the rules or crashing the car. It wasn't too bad, the car could be fixed but it was going to cost a lot of money and I.N. knew that he was going to be the one to pay for the repairs. He didn't mind though. If he was lucky, his dad would pay for it and I.N. didn't have to lose a single cent. 

"Get inside and straight to your room" Felix ordered. He needed a moment to think. I.N. scurried off, inside. He was prepared for a lecture from each of his hyungs and that was what he got. 

"You are never driving again!" Minho warned. I.N. nodded; he had expected that much. 

"And you are not going anywhere for a long time, young man" Hyunjin added. I.N nodded again. 

"Well, do you have anything to say?" Chan wondered. 

"No hyung. I messed up and I am very sorry. To all of you. I didn't mean to worry any of you, please forgive me" I.N. bit back his tears. He refused to cry in front of his hyungs, not after he had caused enough problems as it was. 

"You made a mistake but your still our maknae and we love you. Don't ever forget that. Your already forgiven" Chan assured him.

"Yeah, kid. We would never hold this against you" Jisung added, joining the others in crowding around their maknae. I.N. burst into tears. The drive hadn't even been that enjoyable and he was somewhat disappointed that all his excitement at having a license was worth nothing. 

"Oh baby, don't cry" Hyunjin tugged I.N. into a hug. The youngest continued to cry in his hyung's arms. Once he had calmed down, Hyunjin pulled away and then I.N. was in front of Chan again. 

"Come here" Chan tucked the kid under one arm, waiting for the others to go first. Each of them gave I.N a quick five spanks and then it was Chan's turn. Felix would get his own two cents in once he returned. And he did. And then finally, I.N. was squished in between his seven hyungs and even though his butt stung and his eyes hurt from crying, and he was on house arrest for two months, he was more content than he had been in weeks. 

This was not as good as I was planning on it being but I hope you guys enjoy anyways. How do you guys like the name 99fini? It's kind of weird but it sounds like infinity and 99 is my favorite number. I'm not sure if I like it though so if you guys have any ideas, please share them

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