Not true (Hyunjin)

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Hyunjin comes back after the false rumors, he forgets the rules that he has to follow, he forgets that he has to tell hyung to people older than him, he drinks a lot of alcohol, and when he gets drunk he hits a member by mistake.

The team was glad to have Hyunjin back. They had struggled a lot without him, even though they knew that there was nothing they could do and that he was recovering from the stress those rumors gave him. He had a chance to relax, so while that made the group happy, it did nothing to fill the missing piece they felt without him there. 

But it seemed that Hyunjin's 'vacation' left him with no sense of rules or respect. Chan was at a complete loss of what to do. If it were any of the others acting this way, he wouldn't have hesitated to put them over his knee. But this was Hyunjin, who had been wrongly accused of bullying and had to take a several months long hiatus because of it. Hyunjin, who had been through so much already and Chan did not want to put him through anymore. 

"Hyunjinnie, can you hand me my water?" Changbin asked. He would have gotten up to get it himself but he was currently being occupied with the stylist trying to do his hair. Hyunjin rolled his eyes and got up, handing the water over to Changbin without a word. 

"Thank you" Changbin took it and undid the cap.

"Whatever" Hyunjin returned to his seat and pulled his phone out again. Changbin looked at the closest person next to him. Felix stared back, both of them disturbed by Hyunjin's attitude. They were the only ones in the room besides Seungmin, the others had already gotten their hair and makeup done and were getting the rest of their stage ready.

Changbin thought nothing of it, figuring that Hyunjin would change his attitude once they got on stage. Well, Hyunjin did do fine on the stage and enjoyed hearing all their fans' cheering for him being back but as soon as they stepped off, it was like a switch had been flipped and Hyunjin walked ahead of the others, ignoring them. 

Felix especially looked hurt and turned to Chan, who just motioned for him to give Hyunjin some space. As soon as they were back to the dorms, Hyunjin went back to his room and shut the door, locking Han and Seungmin out. 

"Hyung! He locked us out" Seungmin complained.

"You can sleep in our room tonight" Chan offered, annoyed at Hyunjin's actions. Seungmin nodded and went to claim the shower first. No one bothered Hyunjin but they would all regret that later. Around midnight, when only Chan, Minho and Felix were still awake, Hyunjin came out of his room in search for something to do or someone to annoy. 

"Hyunjinnie, your up" Chan was surprised. Usually Hyunjin was one of the first ones asleep every night. He didn't get a response, just a dirty look as the dancer continued to the kitchen to find something to eat. Chan was growing more and more annoyed with the attitude being shown. He was trying to be patient but Hyunjin didn't seem to be improving at all. 

Minho and Felix looked at each other, sensing the rising anger in their leader and wondering if they should just go back to their rooms. 

"Why don't you two go get some sleep?" Chan hinted, and the other two left as quickly as they could. There was a reason Chan wanted them to leave. He had picked up on it before and knew he was right; Hyunjin was drunk. It had been right on front of Chan the entire time but he had refused to believe it. Well he couldn't deny it any longer, he had to do something before Hyunjin spiraled out of control. He didn't get a chance to pull Hyunjin aside because the next thing he knew, Felix  was on the floor, looking up at Hyunjin with wide eyes and holding tightly to the hand that he had landed on.

"Hyunjin! Apologize at once" Minho snapped, helping Felix to his feet.

"He shouldn't have been in my f**cking way" Hyunjin glared at Felix. Minho's mouth dropped open in shock and Chan could see that he was only seconds away from yelling at Hyunjin and waking everyone. 

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