Gym bros (Hyunjin and Felix)

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"Now you listen to Changbin. He is the most experienced in this and I'm not going to be there. He has every right to keep you two in line if there is a need to so I recommend not giving him the need to" Chan lectured. Hyunjin and Felix nodded, promising to listen. Changbin led them out, not surprised when they took his hands as they were crossing the street to the gym. They usually held someone's hand, not wanting to be separated.

"Stay where I can see you and don't do anything that you can't handle" Changbin walked off on his own, the others following him like ducklings or puppies. After a while, the younger two wandered off on their own, trying a few other exercises and weights.

"Hey! Let's try this one" Hyunjin hit Felix's arm and pointed to a rather heavy looking weight. Felix nodded, getting in position and waiting for Hyunjin to help before he began.

"Is it heavy?" Hyunjin asked, noticing the discomfort on Felix's face. The younger nodded and Hyunjin helped put the weight back.

"My turn" Hyunjin took Felix's place.

"I don't think you should" Felix was worried.

"Don't think I can handle it?" Hyunjin snapped, irritated.

"At least let me take some of these off" Felix pleaded. Hyunjin rolled his eyes and lifted the weights off their hold, grunting when they laid on his chest and he found he couldn't move it back up. Something came loose on one side and the discs slid off, making a loud noise as well as a dent in the floor.

"What are you two doing?!" Changbin had gone looking for the two when he realized he couldn't see or hear them anywhere. Seeing the dent in the floor and the, now light, weight that Hyunjin was holding, he figured it out quickly.

"What did I say?" Changbin stormed over to his dongsaengs, swatting both of them. Hyunjin and Felix covered their bottoms from any more spanks. A crowd began to gather, most of them waving it off as a hyung scolding his younger brothers. None of them were able to recognize the three celebrities due to their masks. Changbin looked around and made a decision, grabbing the younger two by the ear and pulling them out of the gym and all the way back to the dorms without letting go.

"Hey, we're sorry! We were just trying to test our strength" Felix defended himself. Hyunjin shook his head; it wasn't a good idea to say anything. He had seen Changbin like this, when he stole something from a store, and knew that words would be of no help to them. It was best to just stay quiet and wait for Changbin to calm down.

The dorm was empty except for Seungmin and I.N., both of which were sick and had been sleeping the entire day. 

"Find a corner, Felix. Hyunjin, the stairs" Changbin smirked a little when Hyunjin's face fell. 

"Really? Again!?" Hyunjin complained. Changbin nodded and the slightly younger idol huffed, plopping down on the steps, glaring at Changbin.

"This is interesting. Minnie, come see this!" I.N. had come down and saw what was happening. He was wrapped in a blanket and his nose was red. Seungmin came running down, looking almost the exact same as the maknae.

"Nuh uh, both of you back upstairs to bed. You're supposed to be resting" Changbin shook his head, shooing the youngest two back to their room.

"But this is so much more interesting. What did they do?" I.N. argued.

"None of your business. Back to bed before I call Chan-hyung. If you need anything, let me know but do not get out of bed" Changbin instructed, closing the bedroom door once the youngest two were tucked into their beds.

"Run!" Hyunjin gave Felix a gentle push towards the door, only making it two steps before Changbin caught them by the collar of their shirts.

"Where do you two think you are going?" Changbin questioned.

"Anywhere but here" "Nowhere". Two different responses were offered.

"Well I would send you both back to your spots but it seems that will do nothing. You'll just have to finish the rest of your time after we finish talking" Changbin led the two over to the couch, having Felix sit down somewhere close while he lowered Hyunjin into a somewhat uncomfortable position that had his legs dangling above the floor and his top half either on Changbin's leg or bent closer to the floor.

It was a position meant to make him feel small, given his height, and that's exactly what it did. Hyunjin felt like a child, bent over his hyung's knee with his pants and boxers around his ankles.

"What did Chan-hyung tell you before we left?" Changbin questioned, making sure that Hyunjin and Felix remembered.

"That we were to listen to you" Felix answered for Hyunjin, offering his hand to the older when he noticed Hyunjin picking at the threads on the couch in an effort to distract himself from the relentless smacks applied to his poor bottom.

"Why did I say when we got to the gym that you did not listen to me?" Changbin added, moving his hand down to the sensitive skin where Hyunjin would have to sit.

"Stay where we could be seen and not try something we couldn't handle" Hyunjin answered, pushing himself up and moving towards Felix. Changbin stopped him with a hand on the dancer's back.

"So why didn't you listen?" Changbin wondered.

"We didn't mean to" Hyunjin insisted. He hadn't and he hadn't meant to bring Felix into it. He realized he shouldn't have been so quick to assume he could handle a large exercise.

"I don't doubt that. What I want to know is why" Changbin repeated.

"I don't know! I wanted to see if we, I, could do it" Hyunjin guessed, still unsure of the reason. Changbin could tell and so he didn't question further.

"If you can't follow instructions, then you won't be allowed to leave my sight at the gym again. Is that perfectly clear to both of you?" Changbin looked at Felix.

"Yes, completely clear" Hyunjin nodded, wanting to get away from Changbin's heavy hand.

"Yes hyung" Felix curled in on himself, aware that he was next.

"Get up when you're ready" Changbin waited, reapplying Hyunjin's clothes and comforting him. Hyunjin looked at Felix, a silent question of whether the Aussie was ready. Felix smiled and nodded, he was going to be okay.

"Sorry for not listening" Hyunjin got up, looking at Changbin.

"Come sit. Felix, your turn" Changbin had them switch places and put Felix in the same position as Hyunjin, giving him the same amount as the dancer.

"Do you realize how badly this could have gone? You could've been hurt and I wouldn't know" Changbin felt tears come to his eyes at the thought of that.

"We're sorry!" Felix sobbed, his resolve breaking faster than he had expected. Changbin stopped, knowing that it was enough and there was no chance of there being a repeat, at least not anytime soon.

"Don't keep us from going with you. We'll be good" Felix begged. Changbin would never actually do that.

"I will talk to Chan but most likely you two will be forbidden from leaving the dorm without supervision or even at all for quite some time" Changbin pointed out. Felix grumbled about that but he had figured as much.

"I will try to make it not as long or torturous" Changbin promised, holding his dongsaengs close to him. At some point they fell asleep, which he minded a little bit because he needed to shower and they did too. And also because at that moment, the sounds of Seungmin being sick filled the area and I.N. called for something that Changbin couldn't quite make out.

He wishes Minho, Chan and Jisung were still there so they could help.

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