Drunk control (Minho)

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It wasn't often that the oldest members got in trouble. Minho, sometimes, he had Chan to look up to and he allowed himself to just be a kid and that meant getting in trouble every once in a while. But still, it wasn't often.

When Minho was eliminated, it was a devastation for everyone but Chan especially. He didn't show it in front of the kids, but he had picked Minho for a reason and he had wanted all nine of them to debut together. So to have even one unable to join the team in that, it was a shock.

Then Minho came back and it was like a wish come true for Chan.  Still, there were some problems that had not been resolved yet. For one thing, Chan had found out that Minho got into some trouble during the short time he wasn't with the group and that was something that would need to be addressed. 

One of those things was the fact that Minho walked home in the pouring rain and could have gotten sick but there was also another problem: the drinking. At first, Chan brushed it aside. He had a short talk with the younger and Minho promised that was a thing of the past and he wouldn't make the same mistakes again.

And then nine turned into eight and that really affected Lee Know. He had been close to their former member and his absence really affected the now second oldest. Chan didn't pick up on it right away, he was busy and spent a lot of time away from the dorms. It became clear to him that something was different when Minho started making mistakes in the simplest of their dances. Chan never held mistakes against his members but this was entirely unlike Minho, who prided himself on being one of the lead dancers. 

"Lee Know, can we talk?" Chan knocked on the door to his and Minho's room. There were still three beds in there but one of them remained empty and there was a curtain drawn around it. Obviously Minho had done that because Chan hadn't been home since....

"What is it hyung?" Minho kept himself distracted, like he always did. 

"Where have you been hiding it?" Chan looked around the room. There were several hiding places that would be easy to keep from the kids. Minho froze; he had a good idea what Chan was hinting at but he didn't want to believe it.

"I don't know what your talking about, hyung" Minho lied through the lump in his throat. Chan didn't like that answer and he made it known, walking over to the younger and grabbing his hand. He made Minho face him, temporarily pulling him away from restacking the same pile of books that he had been fiddling with for the past ten minutes. 

"Do you really want to be lying to me right now?" Chan had a point, lying was not the best way to go at the moment.

"No, hyung. I'm sorry! I am, I was going to stop but I just..." Minho was embarrassed when tears sprung up in his eyes. He shouldn't be crying. Chan pulled him into a hug, surprising the younger. 

"What? Hyung-!" Minho tried to pull away, he didn't deserve this, but Chan was stronger than him.

"It's not your fault" Chan assured him. Minho blinked back tears, he knew what Chan was talking about. 

"Do you hear me?" Chan checked, pulling away a little. Minho nodded, wiping at the few stray tears that had escape. Chan held him at arms length.

"I know your struggling, this was hard for all of us" Chan stated. Minho sensed there was more and he was right. 

"But, you made a promise to me that you wouldn't be doing this again. I told you what would happen if you broke that promise" Chan hardened his tone, switching into his strict leader act. 

"Hyung, I-" Minho went to argue, to say something to try and change the leader's mind. Chan stopped him. 

"I am giving you a warning this time because I know your hurting. This is your last chance, Lee Minho. If I find out your still drinking, there will be consequences. Do you understand?" Chan warned. Minho was glad for the second chance so he quickly agreed. Chan asked him where the bottle was and Minho showed him, feeling a little sad when the oldest dumped it out. He knew it was for the best but that didn't stop him feeling bad about wasting a whole bottle. 

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