Hyunjin and Chan

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Hyunjin breathed deeply, staring at himself in the foggy glass of the mirror. His breath was heavy and his clothes clung to his body uncomfortably but he still didn't stop; he couldn't. Not when he was still so far from getting a move right, that he had been trying to perfect for....well Hyunjin didn't know, but it was a long time and he was still not there yet. He had to keep practicing. 

"Hyune?" Chan knocked gently on the door. Hyunjin startled a little, though he should have expected the oldest to still be there, when was Chan not at the company? The answer: never. 

"What are you still doing here?" Chan wondered. Hyunjin huffed, trying to catch his breath and wiped the sweat off his face with his shirt. If he weren't scared of one of the female idols walking in on him, he might have taken his shirt off to practice more but he really did not want to make things awkward if someone were to walk in. 

"Practicing, what does it look like?" Hyunjin answered. Chan crossed his arms and Hyunjin glanced at him. That probably wasn't the smartest answer to give but Hyunjin couldn't find it in himself to care, at least not much. 

"I thought I told all of you to be home by two" Chan reminded the younger idol. Hyunjin nodded; he remembered.

"If you can stay late, why can't I?" Hyunjin grabbed a towel, wiping his face and running the towel over his hair to get rid of the excess sweat.

"I'm not over practicing" Chan argued. Hyunjin grabbed his water bottle and folded his arms, ignoring the glare he received from Chan. Hyunjin was too tired to care about all the warnings he was ignoring. 

"No, just overworking" Hyunjin responded quickly, making a good point. 

"That's different" Chan sighed.

"How?" Hyunjin wondered, one eyebrow raised expectantly. Chan flushed red; he was being backed into a corner and hated it. None of the members had really challenged Chan on his habit of working too much. Sure, they hated it and Chan knew they did but none of them had come right out and challenged him on it. 

"It just is" Chan insisted. Hyunjin stared at him and then put the water bottle down too. 

"I can't get this move right" Hyunjin stated. Chan knew what he was doing. The leader didn't know why Hyunjin expected to be able to get away with manipulating and tricking his hyung but it wasn't going to work (hint: it works).

"You can always come back tomorrow and try again" Chan pointed out. Hyunjin thought for a moment, his eyes never leaving Chan's face. 

"No. I have to get it done now" Hyunjin shook his head. Chan wanted to curse the kid for being so damn smart. Maybe Minho had put Hyunjin up to this? But that didn't seem likely, as much as Lee Know pretended to mess around with Hyunjin, the second oldest would never put any of his dongsaengs in a position where they could possibly get hurt. None of the members knew Hyunjin was here; that was clear. That would make the situation ten times more complicated if they did know, but it was still more complicated now because they didn't know. Hyunjin had snuck out or maybe he hadn't even bothered returning home and was now ignoring all the worried texts and calls from his members. Chan realized he had been doing the same. He hadn't even known Hyunjin was here until he had decided to leave for the night and saw the practice room lights still on. 

Chan had to hand it to the kid though; Hyunjin was too smart for his own good. And stupid, really stupid. Only Minho would have the courage to try something like this without caring about what happened. 

"You can come back tomorrow. The practice room will still be here in the morning, it's not going anywhere" Chan swallowed his words, he was really making things worse for himself. Hyunjin put his hands on his hips, tilting his head to the side as if waiting for Chan to realize how ironic the whole situation was. But Chan already knew.

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