Party (All-Chan)

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Chan had sent the members to get some sleep a little over an hour ago. He had some more work to do and he wanted to get it finished. It was nearing three in the morning when he returned to the dorms and made his rounds to check on the kids. Just as he had feared, when he walked into Felix, I.N. and Seungmin's room, from what he could see: two of them were still awake.

"Lee Felix, Yang Jeongin" Chan spoke, startling the youngest two. He didn't fail to notice Seungmin dropping his phone under him and pretending to be asleep.

"Oh, your back already?" Felix slipped his and I.N.'s phones under the covers. It wasn't strange to see two, or sometimes even three, of the kids settled down in the same bed. It was just normal with the group and not something they ever questioned.

"Hand them over" Chan held his hand out for the devices. Felix sighed deeply, grabbing his and the maknae's phones and handing them to the leader.

"Get some sleep" Chan went to Seungmin's bed, slipping the younger's phone out of his hands while Seungmin still pretended to be asleep. Crouching down, Chan spoke to him.

"I know your not asleep so don't pretend. You know the rules just like the others" Chan scolded. Seungmin didn't respond but he did move a little.

"You three, get this back two days from now" Chan turned back to the other maknaes. Felix hugged I.N. closer to him. He didn't look too upset but he was pouting at the loss of his game.

"I don't want to have to come in here again so when I say lights out, that means lights out. Is that clear?" Chan made sure.

"Yes hyung" Felix and I.N. agreed, settling down to sleep.

"Goodnight, Channie hyung!" Felix waved as cheerfully as he could when Chan left, turning the lights out and closing the door. He had done a head count while he was in there and could see Seungmin was out like a light before Chan left, buried under his covers and there were no other kids hidden in or under the beds. He checked on Hyunjin, Jisung and Changbin, all of which were still awake and on their phones.

"Lights out guys. Hyunjin, Jisung, give me your phones" Chan went to the younger two. Hyunjin turned his phone off and handed it to the leader. Jisung reluctantly did the same.

"Why us? Why not Binnie?" Hyunjin wondered. Changbin turned his head a little to the side to glare at the dancer.

"Because you get distracted easily" Chan explained. Hyunjin opened his mouth to argue but then realized that actually made sense and closed it again.

"Go to sleep" Chan repeated. Hyunjin waved him off and Han gave him a bright smile. Changbin waved, not taking his eyes off his phone as Chan closed the door. The leader stopped when he noticed, opening the door again and walking over to Changbin's bed. He plucked the device from his dongsaeng's hands, ignoring the dirty look he received in return and pocketed it with the others. Hyunjin watched, amused but hid when Chan looked at him.

"Goodnight Hyunjin, Han, Changbin" Chan listed as he left for the second time. He received no response. As he went across the hall to his room, he prayed that Minho would be asleep already.

It didn't work. The lights were still on and Minho was reading something on his phone. Luckily, he seemed to be completely finished getting ready and was even in bed so Chan considered that a plus. But still, what was up with his kids and staying up all hours of the night on their phones?

"Oh hi, hyung" Minho dropped his phone when he saw Chan. Despite the oldest's tendency to avoid sleeping, that was one of the things he was strictest about. Chan said nothing, just stood in front of the ladder leading to Minho's bunk and held his hand out. Minho pouted as he slapped his phone into Chan's hand and laid down. Satisfied, the leader set his oldest dongsaeng's phone with the others on his desk.

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