Drunk Control pt 2 (Minho)

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When Minho opened his eyes, he was not in his bed. He wasn't even sure where he was but he did know that his head hurt, everything was too bright. And it was both too quiet and too loud at the same time. When he tried to talk, nothing came out and it took him a few tries before making anything even slightly resembling words.

"Hyung?" Minho sat up, cringing at how hoarse his voice was. It sounded like he a had a cold but he didn't feel like he did.

"Ah, your awake" Changbin was sitting on the other side of the room. He had been watching Minho for the past hour.

"Where's hyung?" Minho wondered, not seeing Chan anywhere in their small room. Changbin chuckled and stood up, going over to the side table and picking up the glass and medicine left from the night before.

"Cleaning up your mess. Here, take these" Changbin left no other choice so Minho swallowed the pill with disgust.

"Binnie, um...what happened?" Minho could tell something was different. For one thing, Changbin never was in their room when Minho woke up and it was way too quiet. Normally the other members were making a ruckus as they got ready for the day.

"You don't remember?" Changbin was concerned. He didn't think that was a good sign. Minho shook his head, he didn't remember anything. Changbin took his hand, leading him out to the kitchen.

As soon as they saw him, Felix, Seungmin and Hyunjin tensed. They didn't move or talk. They barely even acknowledged their hyungs' presence.

"Oh...." Suddenly, it all came back to Minho like a flood. Everything that had happened the day before and he felt sick. Unable to get to the bathroom in time, he just doubled over and released the contents of his stomach. Changbin gagged a little, he always hated when one of the members got sick.

"Eww" Hyunjin wrinkled his nose, unable to look away. Changbin gave him a hard look and escorted Minho to the bathroom, just in case, before returning to clean up his mess. Chan walked in, slipping his phone into his pocket. Changbin was curious what phone call had been so important that he left their three hungover, injured members alone.

Han and I.N. had left a while ago, going to KQ to annoy their friends. As soon as Chan was back and they all had a talk, Changbin would be taking the 00 line down there as well.

Unfortunately, for Minho, that time came sooner than he would've liked.

"I didn't want to have to do this but last night has given me no other choice. I am letting you three know, and I will tell Han too, that Minho is not supposed to drink. There have been issues in the past that have left him being tempted by it. I didn't think I would have to say anything but last night changed my mind" Chan explained. It made sense to the 00 line now.

"Hyung, we're sorry! We had no idea" Felix was horrified now. He felt bad that he hadn't picked up on the signs.

"I know and that's partially my fault. I should have kept you informed so something like this didn't happen" Chan knew he could take the blame for that much.

"Now, Changbin is going to take the three of you out while Minho and I talk" Chan was aware that his dongsaengs knew what that really meant but he didn't care. Minho curled in on himself, feeling bad. He also still felt a little sick but was trying to ignore it.

"Don't be mad at him. We should've picked up on the signs" Felix, despite his hurt at what Minho had done, couldn't bear to know his hyung was going to be in trouble.

"Felix-" Chan tried to assure him. Minho stood up, bringing Felix into a hug.

"Don't feel bad, Lixxie. You didn't know, hyung shouldn't have given in knowing what would happen. That's on me. You got hurt because of me" Minho felt tears spilling down his face and he let them. Felix looked at Chan for help but was offered none.

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