New rooms (Hyunjin)

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Stray Kids was moving again. They did this often and every time, it got a little easier. They never stayed in the same place for more than a few months. Some of their dorms, they really liked and some were just okay. The hardest part of all was packing up everything again and moving it to a new place. And the road trip to the new place. 

"Hyunjin! Are you packed? We're leaving soon and hyung wants us downstairs to talk about the room arrangements" Han peeked into Hyunjin's room. 

"Yes. Who are you hoping to share with this time?" Hyunjin grabbed his suitcase and took it downstairs. They were used to this, moving around so he didn't feel too nostalgic or sad about leaving. Still, he had liked this dorm and he wanted to stay but their jobs didn't permit that. 

"I guess I wouldn't mind sharing with the kids. Or you" Han thought about it. Hyunjin bumped shoulders with him, feeling better than he had all day.

"I wouldn't want to share with Minho-hyung" Hyunjin admitted.

"Why?" Han asked but Hyunjin didn't get the chance to answer because they were downstairs and Chan was waiting for them. The only one not there was Minho so Chan sent Changbin to get him. 

"Seungmin, Han and Felix, your sharing a room. Hyunjin, your with Minho and I.N. and me and Changbin are sharing a room" Chan stated once he had most of his team. Several of them looked happy about their roommates and cheered. Hyunjin was the only one not happy. 

"That's not fair! Why do I have to go with Minho-hyung? You know how mean he is" Hyunjin complained. He did not even realize that at the same moment he said that, Changbin and Minho had walked in and heard everything. Minho had seen the comments saying how mean he was and that he didn't care for his group but he had always thought that his hyung and dongsaengs didn't believe that. Hearing Hyunjin repeat the same things in those comments was like a punch to the gut.

"Wait, hyung-" Hyunjin tried to stop him but Minho had already turned and run back upstairs, locking himself into his room and not answering to anyone.

"Hwang Hyunjin! Why would you say such a thing?" Chan scolded.

"I'm sorry, hyung but he is. Especially to me" Hyunjin repeated. Chan just shook his head and went to find Minho.

"If you have a problem, Hyunjin, you come to one of us. You do not insult your hyungs!" Changbin snapped at the kid. Felix stepped in.

"Hyung, don't do this. We need to go soon so why don't we start taking things out before Channie and Minho hyungs come back" Felix ward Changbin off but he couldn't help the rapper from giving Hyunjin a dirty look as he walked away. Once they came back in from getting all their bags in the car, Chan and Minho were waiting. The younger of the two had red eyes from unshed tears and avoided looking at any of his dongsaengs. 

"Hyunjin, I want you in the back. Minho and I are sitting in the front" Chan instructed. Hyunjin nodded, unwilling to argue and got into the very back, being squished between Felix and I.N., Changbin, Han and Seungmin took the middle row and Chan and Minho sat in the front, behind their manager. 

It took them two hours to get to the new dorm and even longer to get unpacked. After they were mostly settled, Chan went to Hyunjin, Minho and I.N.'s room. He had employed Changbin, who finished first, to go in there and make sure a fight didn't break out. 

"Hyunjin, I want to talk to you" Chan called for the dancer. Hyunjin looked nervous as he followed Chan to the leader's room.

"I know it was wrong! I wouldn't have said that if I knew he was behind me" Hyunjin explained himself as soon as the door was closed.

"It doesn't matter that he was behind you or not. You shouldn't have said it in the first place. You know the kinds of things people say about him without knowing him deep down. Minho is not mean, he's just a little more serious and sometimes has a different humor than the rest of us. It is not okay to make fun of that" Chan scolded. Hyunjin nodded; he knew that but he had spoke without thinking. 

"I am very disappointed in you, Hyunjin. I never expected you to make fun of the others. How would you feel if someone made of something your insecure about?" Chan continued to lecture. Hyunjin wouldn't have felt good and he said this. He felt insecure enough without it being pointed out by someone else. But he realized that was exactly what he had done. He took something Minho was insecure about and threw it back in his face, whether or not he knew that his hyung was behind him, it didn't matter.

"I'm sorry" Hyunjin spoke finally, feeling guilty. 

"I'm not the one you have to apologize to. You will say your sorry to Minho once we are finished here" Chan left Hyunjin no choice. 

"Yes hyung" Hyunjin would apologize profoundly once they were done. He did not struggle or argue when Chan guided him over his lap and took his joggers down. He told himself he deserved this and it would help ease the guilt he felt when he saw Minho's face at the old dorm. 


"Ouch, ow! Hyungie!" Hyunjin squirmed, becoming even more upset when his matz hyung hooked an arm around his waist, holding the dancer firmly in place. 

"You know better! I cannot believe you Hyunjin" Chan kept his voice stern and hard, he wanted Hyunjin to really think about his words. Minho had cried to him for a whole hour straight and refused to talk to Chan the entire two-hour trip. 

"Please stop, hyung! I'm sorry, I'll apologize to Minho-hyung" Hyunjin begged, anything to get out of this. Chan was immune to his attempts. 

"Yes you will and you will stop trying to control this punishment. I am the hyung here, not you" Chan paid special attention the undercurve of Hyunjin's butt, making the younger cry harder. He was beyond the point of words so he just cried and made his displeasure known. A few minutes later, Chan stopped and waited for his dongsaeng to calm down. 

Minho startled when the door opened and Hyunjin walked in, limping a little. It didn't take a genius to figure out why and the group was extremely used to seeing one of their brothers with a limp after a trip to Chan's room.

"I am sorry for calling you mean, hyung. You are not and I should've never said that" Hyunjin bowed to Minho, waiting until the second oldest gave his permission before standing back up. Minho tugged him into a hug, lifting his shirt and swatting the dancer a few times. 

"It's all over. Just don't do it again" Minho smiled at Hyunjin, aware that Chan had not gone easy on the kid. He could see how sorry Hyunjin was and saw no reason to make him feel worse.

"Yes hyung" Hyunjin nodded, bowing again. Minho tsked and stopped him.

"Come on, I don't know about you but I'm tired" Minho led his dongsaeng over to the bed he had claimed and lay down, forcing Hyunjin to lie beside him. In no time at all, they were asleep. The others felt no remorse in snapping a few pictures of the two cuddled up against each other, Hyunjin's head on Minho's chest and the older's legs wrapped around the taller's waist. 

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