Party pt 2 (All-Chan)

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"I feel bad" I.N. entered Minho's room, without knocking. Han and Hyunjin were already in there, looking just as miserable as I.N. felt.

"I know. Me too but what are we supposed to do? If we tell him what happened, he'll know we lied to him" Minho admitted. He felt more bad about betraying Chan than he did about sneaking out and lying.

"What lie? Remember, we did nothing" Changbin walked in. Despite his words, there was guilt in his eyes. Behind him was Felix and Seungmin.

"Binnie..." Felix sighed. He couldn't keep this up much longer either. Luckily, they didn't have to. It was cleaning day and on that particular day, Chan was usually the one to take care of the laundry. He knew the others were capable of doing their own but it made it easier to just do all the clothes together. That was when he picked up one of Felix's shirts and stared in confusion. It was one of the nicer shirts that the other aussie owned and he rarely wore it, except for special occasions. Chan also didn't remember seeing him have it on any day that week. 

When he saw another shirt that he did not remember Hyunjin wearing, he began to get paranoid. He didn't always pay attention to all of his members' everyday outfits but he always remembered what they were wearing. He did not recall seeing Hyunjin in a striped dress shirt any day of the week. After going through all the different colors, he swore that his members had gone somewhere fancy without him knowing and he was paranoid. Very paranoid. 

Then he thought back to the night when he took his members' phones. They had lied about the gaming tournament but now he couldn't think what else would cause them all to take their phones back. Unless they went somewhere. Deciding to leave it alone, Chan continued. He felt something in one of Changbin's pockets and took it out; a receipt for some store. 

Something that was bought the same night as the confiscation of phones. He left the room, going to find his members and figure out what he was missing. He ran into I.N. and Seungmin outside the door.

"What do you need?" Chan wondered, his frustration taking over. 

"We did something. Promise not to be mad at hyungs?" I.N. fretted. Chan could already guess where this was going.

"Wait!" Five more sets of running footsteps sped over, some of them (Han) sliding too far and falling. Minho looked down at him, judging before turning back to the maknaes. Hyunjin grabbed the youngest two by the arm and pulled them out of hearing range. Chan held up a hand, bringing all three to a stop. It was then that the seven younger idols noticed the pile of clothes on the washer; the same clothes they had worn that night when they snuck out. Minho figured it out first and sighed, closing his eyes. 

"I think you all have some explaining to do" Chan stated, giving a small smile that sent shivers down the members' backs. None of them moved, for fear of invoking Chan's wrath onto them.

"Why don't you all sit down? I want to talk to you one at a time" Chan suggested. Changbin and Minho guided the others to the couch, making a big pile in one corner. Han was even perched on the very top of the couch, above everyone else and holding a pillow tightly to his body for comfort.

"I.N." Chan normally, when he did this, would interrogate the oldest first but he decided to change tactics this time. Jeongin clung to Hyunjin, not wanting to go but he had no choice. Slowly, he let go and passed Chan. The leader closed the door to his room and turned to I.N.

"Where did you go that night? Don't lie and tell me you didn't go anywhere because I know you did" Chan got right to the point.

"What do you mean? We were here, in bed, playing games" Jeongin blinked owlishly at Chan, barely holding back the truth. He was not about to tattle on his hyungs or sunbaenims, no matter how much his mind was screaming at him to. 

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