Wanderer (Hyunjin and Jisung)

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Chan hated crowds. All of Stray Kids did. More than anything, they hated airports because there was always a large crowd of people who somehow managed to find out where the group was flying and would be there to get just a small glimpse of the eight idols. It was for this reason that Chan got ten times stricter at airports and gave less chances for the members to start behaving. He gave less warnings than he usually did.

"All of you stay in front of me" Chan insisted, grabbing Felix's suitcase off of the belt thing and handing it to his dongsaeng. Everyone checked to make sure they had everything and then they went to find the car that was supposed to be waiting for them. It was then that everything started to go wrong.

"Hyung, can we go to the store real quick?" Jisung asked excitedly. Chan thought about it but he really wanted to get to the hotel and he did not want to spend more time in this international airport than he needed to.

"Not today Jisung. Let's go" Chan expected that would be it and that Han would listen to him. Not only did Chan want to get out of there but he was not going to let Jisung go alone. Han's anxiety would become too much and Chan did not want to risk his dongsaeng having a meltdown.

"I can go with him, hyung. We won't be long" Hyunjin offered but Chan remained firm in his decision and luckily, neither of the two argued with him. They got settled into the hotel and enjoyed their time off. Chan even promised to take the whole group to one of the biggest stores in the country the next day. However, that was not going to happen for at least two of them. Jisung and Hyunjin somehow managed to get to the back of the group as they were walking around, exploring the town that was going to be their home for the next few days. Hyunjin nudged Han and pointed down a side street. Jisung nodded and led the way down there. They ended up on another street entirely and continued walking, not even caring that they were going to give their members a panic attack.

"I'm scared" Jisung looked around nervously, his anxiety hitting him full force. Hyunjin was wearing a hat but he took it off, putting it on his friend's head so that Jisung's range of sight was blocked a little and his anxiety would be lessened. Hyunjin offered his hand to Han and the younger took it, clinging to the older dancer.

"It's okay, Hannie. We'll be okay" Hyunjin didn't say it, but he had no idea where they were. His English was quite limited, which is why Chan had made it a rule that no one went anywhere without him or Felix when they were in an English-speaking country. He couldn't read any of the signs and he felt like they had gone in circles a million times. Chan was going to kill the two of them once he found them.

"Should we call, hyung?" Han wondered. Hyunjin thought about it but the decision was made for him. His phone started ringing and it was Chan.

"Hello, hyung" Hyunjin tried not to sound too scared or nervous.

"Where are you?" Chan demanded to know. Hyunjin looked around but he couldn't read any of the signs.

"I can't read the signs. I'm so sorry hyung, I just thought it was ridiculous that you didn't let us go to the airport store yesterday" Hyunjin knew it was a stupid excuse and it wasn't going to make anything better.

"We'll talk about it later. Turn your location on" Chan hung up. Hyunjin shared his location with Chan and waited, pulling Jisung over to an empty bench so they weren't standing. They were going to be doing enough of that once Chan was finished with them. Speaking of, it was only around five minutes later that the rest of the group caught up to Hyunjin and Han.


"I am so angry at you! What were you thinking?" Chan grabbed Hyunjin by the arms and gave him a few shakes.

"Like I said, I was angry that you didn't let us go to the airport store yesterday" Hyunjin repeated, rolling his eyes.

"Yah! That is your hyung you are talking to. Speak properly and drop the attitude" Surprisingly, it was not Lee Know that stepped in to scold Hyunjin. It was Changbin.

"Sorry, Chan-hyung" Hyunjin bowed his head apologetically even though he wasn't really sorry. At least not for walking away. He was sorry that Jisung got himself into a panic and that they got lost before getting to any of the stores they wanted to see.

"Start walking" Chan gave both of them a gentle push in the right direction. They were going back to the hotel. Halfway there, Chan grabbed onto Jisung and Hyunjin, stopping them. He turned to Lee Know and Changbin.

"Take the others out. Give us a few hours alone" Chan ordered. Lee Know nodded, forcing Felix and I.N. to take his hands so they didn't get lost. He had enough of dongsaengs wandering off. Seungmin wrapped his arms around Changbin's arm as they walked off, talking a mile a minute to the older.

"Chan-" Hyunjin glanced again at Jisung but the youngest rapper looked no better than he had a few minutes ago.

"Inside now" Chan cut him off and Hyunjin didn't argue. He had done enough already.

"You've already told me why you walked off so I won't ask again. Just know that I am not angry at you. I was worried and scared that something had happened to you but I am no longer angry. I am glad that you two are okay" Chan had the two sit down and he took a seat in front of them.

"Yeah, we're not going to be in a moment" Hyunjin muttered to himself.

"And who's fault is that?!" Chan snapped. Hyunjin shut up, making the best choice he had all day. Jisung jumped, almost falling off the bed. Hyunjin glared at Chan as he helped his friend back up.

"Don't give me that. Han, are you okay?" Chan softened his tone and expression when he turned to Jisung.

"I'm okay, hyung. Can we get this over with?" Jisung pleaded. Chan nodded, taking him by the hand and putting Jisung over his knee.


"Hyunjin, come here" Chan ordered. Hyunjin knew better than to argue. But he moved a little slower than Chan would have liked and found himself being pulled closer, two stingy smacks landing on his butt before he was even over the leader's knee.


"We're done. I am sorry that I had to do that" Chan knew he had been lenient and that the two younger men would be fine by the end of the day. Well, they would be physically. They might still be mad at him because this was not the end of their punishment. Hyunjin and Jisung slept until the other members got back and Chan woke them up.

"We're leaving soon" Chan informed them. The two of them got up and started putting their shoes on but Chan stopped them.

"You two can come with us but you will be leaving early and coming back here. And you will not leave my side. I mean that you will hold my hand the entire time we are out. Is that clear?" Chan knew that was a bit childish and they weren't children but they were in a foreign country and neither Hyunjin or Jisung spoke the language so he was not taking any chances.

"That's not-" Hyunjin went to argue but Jisung elbowed him in the side and he shut up.

"Okay, hyung!" Han smiled cheerfully, following the members out of the hotel and taking Chan's hand. Hyunjin seemed a little more reluctant but he did not want to be in more trouble so he relented and didn't leave Chan's side even once. And the leader didn't make them go back to the hotel early.

So I wasn't sure which members to do for this so I spun a wheel that picked two and of course it had to be Hyunjin and Jisung

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