Wrong card (Lee Know)

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"Hyung, hyung! You have to help me" Lee Know ran over, hiding behind Chan.

"What is it? What happened, Lino?" Chan tried to turn to Minho but the younger kept moving with him so he was always behind Chan.

"The manager is trying to hurt me!" Lee Know did the most unusual thing ever, at least for him, and squeaked when the door opened and their manager walked in.

"Lee Minho! Come here!" The man pointed in front of him. Minho cowered down behind Chan and the leader managed to get a quick glimpse of his oldest dongsaeng. Lee Know was crying. Tears shone in his eyes and they were falling quickly. He didn't bother wiping them away.

"Whatever this is, I will deal with it. Why don't we talk outside?" Chan looked at the other members. They were watching and he did not want Lee Know to feel embarrassed. The manager went outside, waiting for Chan and Minho to follow.

"Minho, start walking" Chan ordered.

"Hyung, I don't want to be in trouble. Please don't make me" Minho begged. Chan didn't know what this was about but he knew that Lee Know had done something and it was making him so scared that he was crying.

"You have one more chance, Lee Minho. Start walking before I make you" Chan leaned down to whisper in his friend's ear. Lee Know blushed and went outside with his eyes down.

"Now, what is this about?" Chan waited for either his dongsaeng or manager to start explaining.

"I....I didn't mean to hyung! It was a simple lack of judgement!" Minho blurted out.

"Okay. But that doesn't answer my question. What happened?" Chan repeated. Their manager backed off, not offering any help to Lee Know.

"Well, young man?" The manager prompted Lee Know.

"Manager-hyung gave me his card for emergencies the last time we went out. I didn't think it would be a big deal!" Minho tried to defend himself. Chan knew what he was saying now and he felt a deep sense of disappointment.

"Lee Know, you didn't?" Chan shook his head, not wanting to believe any of his younger brothers would do this.

"I'll pay him back!" Minho promised. Chan grabbed him by the back of the neck, surprising the younger.

"You're damn right you'll pay him back! This is coming out of your pay! Say you're sorry, now!" Chan ordered. Minho was shaking like a leaf in the wind now.

"I'm sorry manager-nim. I'm very sorry" Minho tried not to let his voice quiver but he couldn't help it. He was scared. When he ran for Chan's help, he didn't think this was how it would go. He expected his only hyung to be angry but he didn't think Chan would get angry until they were back at the dorms.

"Go get your things and go straight to the car. I'll be waiting for you" Chan finally let go of him and Lee Know ran off.

"I am very sorry for his behavior, manager-nim. It won't happen again" Chan bowed to the older man.

"I'll be honest, kid, I was going to give him the cane but I know you'll take care of it. I trust you'll make sure he learns his lesson" the manager decided.

"Don't worry, sir. Once I'm finished with him, he'll wish he got the cane instead" Chan said, his eyes darkening with anger.

Lee Know avoided looking at any of his dongsaengs while he packed up his work bag again. His hands were shaking crazily, making it harder to do anything.

"Let me" Felix stepped in, taking Minho's bag.

"No, no. I'm going to be in trouble. He's going to...." Lee Know choked on a sob. He shouldn't be this nervous, he trusted Chan but it has been months since he was last spanked by the leader and he was understandably scared.

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