Smoky night (Hyunjin ft. Wooyoung)

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Hyunjin pressed his hands to his eyes, trying to stop any tears from falling. His hyungs were quite literally going to murder him if they knew what he had done. He had to get out of there before the older three did find out.

With that thought in mind, he got off his bed, grabbed his phone and left the dorm. There was a tiny box in his pocket, its weight like a pounding conscience reminding him of what he was hiding. Of how much he had messed up.

"Hyunjin-hyung!" Sumin stood up, obviously surprised to see someone from another group. Hyunjin didn't really know much about the trainees at KQ except that they were mostly just called the Fellaz and some of them would be debuting under the name Xikers, Sumin being one of them.

"Sumin-ah, don't tell anyone I'm here okay?" Hyunjin knew it was a wrong thing to ask of the kid but he really did not need one of the Ateez guys finding him and telling Chan.

" everything okay, sunbaenim?" Sumin fiddled with his hands nervously. By that point, the rest of the future Xikers group came out and were just as surprised as the third oldest to see their sunbaenim there.

"Everything's fine boys" Hyunjin gritted his teeth, trying not to show that he was lying. He didn't think that any of the kids would be able to tell if he was but he wasn't going to take any chances. Sumin nodded, ushering the younger kids back into the room they had come out of, leaving just Junmin and Minjae behind with Hyunjin. The two of them talked for a minute, quietly so Hyunjin couldn't hear before Junmin bowed to the older and left, walking down the hallway. A million little alarms went off in Hyunijn's mind but he tried to ignore them.

"Why are you here, sunbaenim?" Minjae was mostly just making small talk until Junmin returned with one of their hyungs.

"I was just going for a walk and found myself in the area" Hyunjin shrugged.

"That's a lie and you know it" Hyunjin's little warning alarms proved to be right. He tensed, not even wanting to look behind him. He knew that voice; that voice was a friend but it didn't sound like it at the moment.

"Jin-ah, what are you doing here?" Wooyoung was the last person that Hyunjin expected to see when he went to KQ. Of course, he should have known that one of the Ateez members would be there; it was their company after all but he had just not expected Wooyoung to be the first one Hyunjin ran into. Technically, they hadn't run into each other. Junmin, the little traitor, had gone to get Wooyoung. Junmin had been hoping to find just one of his hyungs and he told the first one he saw, which just happened to be Wooyoung.

"Like I said, going for a walk and I found myself in the area. I'll leave now, hyung" Hyunjin had sat down at some point, not even caring that the floor was dirty and uncomfortable, but he got up now, and turned for the doors. Wooyoung caught his wrist, stopping him.

"Not so fast. Junmin-ah, Minjae-ah, take your members and go home. It's too late for you to be here right now" Wooyoung turned to his juniors, speaking softly. They both nodded, bowed to their sunbaenims and went to gather their younger members, leaving quickly.

"We need to talk" Wooyoung knew that something was not right. for one thing, Changbin had texted him asking if he had seen Hyunjin so he knew the kid had not been going for a walk like he claimed. And secondly, the younger was dancing from side to side nervously, his hands twitching and hovering over one of his hoodie pockets so Wooyoung knew there was something that Hyunjin was hiding. And he was going to find out what.

"I'm leaving!" Hyunjin insisted. Wooyoung shook his head, tightening his grip on Hyunijn's arm and pulling him down the hallway to the first empty room he found. At least the first one that idols were allowed into.

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