Maknae's role( Seungmin and I.N.)

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Jisung had been begging for more responsibility. After letting Changbin and then Hyunjin watch the younger members for more than a day by themselves, Jisung had thought it was about time he did the same.

So, after a long talk with Minho about what to do, Chan agreed that Jisung could take care of Seungmin and I.N., with Felix's help because Chan did not trust either of them alone but he knew they would be a good team together.

He had to admit, he was being stricter with Jisung and Felix then he had been with Changbin and Hyunjin. But that was only because those two were really childish most of the time. They weren't meant to be in a leadership role. Chan will give them some credit though. The two managed to keep the peace for three days, two days longer than Chan had expected.

"Can you just leave me alone!?" I.N. had not been like this since he was about seventeen and it was shocking. Jisung was at a loss of what to do. It seemed that in the past week since the entire hyung line had left that I.N. was going through puberty all over again and it was joined with teenage angst just like it had been when he was seventeen and eighteen and was trying to mature.

"Sure. We'll leave you alone, in your room where you will stay until you can talk respectfully to your hyungs" Felix stepped in. He had been getting tired of the maknae's behavior and was done putting up with it. I.N. huffed, his arms crossed, and turned on his heel to go upstairs, stomping the entire way.

"Walk any harder and you'll crack the steps. I'm not helping you get your foot out of a hole that you made so be careful" Felix yelled. I.N. stopped stomping and went more quietly.

"I didn't expect you to be so harsh" Seungmin commented.

"Yeah well, Mr. Big shot over here who wanted to be in charge obviously wasn't going to do anything" Felix gave Jisung a dark look as he turned to go to the kitchen. Jisung pouted a little. He had been trying but he didn't know really what to do about the maknae. It wasn't like he could just turn the kid over his knee and spank him for every little sassy comment even if he wanted to. Chan wouldn't do that and Jisung was trying to follow the leader's example.

"Your not Chan-hyung" Seungmin broke Jisung out of his thoughts.

"What?" Jisung looked at him.

"Your not Chan-hyung. I'm not saying get after the kid for everything but when he acts like that, he's begging for your attention. Give it to him. You know what he's looking for so why do you keep letting him act out?" Seungmin explained. Jisung had to admit, the younger kid was right. I.N. was acting out to get Jisung's attention and he wasn't being given it.

"If you won't do it, I will" Seungmin decided, knowing just what to say to push Jisung over the edge of whatever part of his brain was telling him not to do this.

"If you do that, you'll find yourself having a conversation with me, over my knee" Jisung warned. Seungmin shrugged, putting his hands up in surrender and went to join Felix. Despite his fiend's warnings, Jisung could not do it. I.N. was everyone's baby brother and Jisung couldn't hurt him. No matter how much the little brat asked for it.

The next day, everything finally reached a peak.

"Your so annoying!" I.N. snapped at Felix. Seungmin was standing right there and he was done. He had enough of the maknae.

"That's it! You've been a miserable brat to everyone. We're your hyungs, have you forgotten that? You do not get to talk to us like we're your friends. Are we your friends?" Seungmin slammed his cup down and spun around to face the youngest. I.N. looked at him, surprised. He had never heard Seungmin yell at anyone except the other 00's.

"Whatever" I.N. looked away from Seungmin and Felix. Seungmin stood still for a moment then grabbed I.N.'s arm and dragged him upstairs, taking a seat on the bed closest to him and throwing the youngest over his knee.

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