Promises (Seungmin)

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Seungmin buried his head under a pillow, trying to drown out the sound of Jisung's cries. It was Seungmin's fault that his friend was in trouble. If only he hadn't gotten upset over the stupid cafe.

Seungmin's thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and Jisung coming in. They looked at each other. Jisung glared and laid down, facing the opposite way. Seungmin felt his heart break.

"Seungmin" Chan called, appearing in the doorway. Seungmin looked back at Jisung one more time but he was still facing the wall so Seungmin got up and followed Chan out of the room.

"I'm really sorry hyung. I know it was wrong" Seungmin didn't know why he thought that would help. The look Chan gave him was enough to say his words changed nothing.

"I want you to tell me what happened" Chan sat down on his bed, motioning for Seungmin to sit too. The younger idol did so warily.

"Okay, Jisung promised to take me to this cafe thing. They were having a contest and I wanted to be in it. Plus, the cafe has just opened and I really wanted to see what they were like. But he made plans with Hyunjin and Felix and said he couldn't take me. I know it's wrong but he promised! And I was really looking forward to it. It's not fair that they always leave me out of things!" Seungmin was aware that he was throwing a tantrum. He found that he didn't care.

"Calm down" Chan responded. Seungmin huffed and crossed his arms. Now he was really pouting and he knew it.

"I'm sorry that you missed the opening of the cafe but that is no reason to throw a fit and fight with your brothers. I am very disappointed in you Kim Seungmin" Chan lectured. Seungmin hung his head. He did not feel anger or spite. He was sad and disappointed.

"Jisung hates me. So do Felix and Hyunjin" Seungmin stated.

"They don't. Their angry but they have no reason to be. You did not force them to engage with you. Hyunjin, Felix and Jisung got into trouble themselves, you are not responsible for their choices" Chan assured him. Seungmin didn't believe that and the oldest could tell. Deciding not to bother with that, he'd have plenty of time to deal with Seungmin's guilt later, Chan tugged his dongsaeng over to him and made quick work of lighting his butt up.

Seungmin for his part did everything possible to not make any noise at all, which was no easy task but one that was achievable if someone tried hard enough. Seungmin, despite his attempts, was not strong enough. The knowledge that his hyungs and friends, which he had gotten into trouble, could hear everything was what really got him to cry more than the burning pain that Chan's hand left behind every time it met its target.

"You do not act like a brat just because you didn't get your way!" Chan scolded. Seungmin clutched tightly to his hyung's pant leg, not even caring that he was staining it with tears and snot.

"I have taught you better, Seungmin. Don't you think?" Chan was aware already what Seungmin's answer was but he wanted to hear it for himself.

"Yes! Yes you have. I'm sorry" Seungmin nodded inconsolably crying. He wanted it to end. So did Chan but it didn't. Chan kept going even when his hand was numb and red and he was more than confident in the thought that Seungmin's butt was fairing no better.

"Then why?" Chan stopped, giving Seungmin the chance to think. He didn't have to think for long.

"I was being selfish" Seungmin admitted, draping himself over his hyung's knee and forcing Chan to reposition the younger to support all of Seungmin's weight.


"You will go apologize to the others and then you will write fifty lines of 'I will not fight with my brothers' after which, I want you to go get me your phone and then stay in your room. Your on house arrest" Chan helped Seungmin up, wiping away the younger's tears.

"Do you understand?" Chan made sure that what he said was clear before letting Seungmin go.

"I understand hyung. Thank you" Seungmin was aware the absurdity of his words, no one had ever thanked Chan for spanking them except maybe Minho because the younger man asked his only hyung to.

"Yeah, yeah. Now go. If you behave then I will take you out to the cafe in a week or so. Only if you behave and do what I tell you" Chan warned. Seungmin brightened up and nodded, determined to be on his best behavior so his hyung would take him out.

While Seungmin seemed to be in a better mood now, completely forgetting the long spankin he had just endured, Chan was the complete opposite. He had dealt with Jisung already since the youngest rapper had more of a part in the fight than Hyunjin and Felix but there was still the matter of those two.

"Jinnie, Lixxie, come here please" Chan walked into the room that those two shared with I.N. They were sitting on thier beds but they got up when Chan walked in, looking really embarrassed.

"I know that Seungmin was baiting you two but that does not mean you respond. You let your anger get to you and you only made things worse. I am not excusing what Seungmin did but that also does not mean that the two of you are off the hook either" Chan explained.

"We know, we're sorry for arguing with him" Hyunjin hung his head, feeling bad. Chan had known they would be, he had given them plenty of time to think about what they did and had been really hoping that they would think and come to the conclusion that they had behaved terribly.

"Because you did not start and you were baited, I am willing to let you off with less than what Seungmin and Jisung got" Chan stated. Felix and Hyunjin looked very relieved upon hearing that but their relief was short lived when Chan beckoned them over and tucked Felix under his arm.


"Your on house arrest for a week. Both of you" Chan turned to Hyunjin, tucking the taller kid under his arm.


"I love the two of you so much and I don't like seeing you guys fighting" Chan looked at both of them. Hyunjin nodded, wrapping his arms around Chan, Felix tucked into his side. Chan was content to stand there with them for a while before he finally pulled away and gave them a stern look.

"Give me your phones" He demanded. Hyunjin blushed and pulled his phone from his pocket. Felix did the same and Chan pocketed the two devices. He went to check on Jisung, who had cried himself to sleep and Chan really did not have the heart to wake him. Chan would talk with him later about not being mad at Seungmin. He had the same talk with Hyunijn and Felix before leaving and the two of them immediately went to join their friend and keep him company while he did his lines.

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