Chapter 1: Prologue

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Haerin was your regular highschool girl. She was studious, and rather academically gifted, but she was known for one thing, her infactuation (and obsession) with the newest hit K-pop Idol, Danielle Marsh.

Haerin was cute, no doubt about that. A lot of boys and girls had a crush on her in school, but due to her quiet and timid personality, not a lot of people got to know who Kang Haerin really is. But she liked none of them because she simply only wants one girl and one girl only. She knew that her obsession was going to drive her insane one day, and that she shouldn't compare the people she see on TV with the people that she knows in real life, but Danielle Marsh was already her standard, she wasn't going to drop it just for so low-quality scum to break her heart. Sometimes she thinks that, if she had gotten into K-pop earlier, would she had made it out and debuted? Maybe she would've gotten a chance to see Danielle Marsh and collaborate with her, or even debuted in a group with her...

Danielle was your break-through superstar of the year, being just 17, the same age as Haerin right now, when she debuted solo a year ago, but her popularity sky-rocketed due to all the promotions the company did for her, as well as all the insanely catchy songs that she kept on putting out time after time again. In South Korea, there was basically no one who didn't know who Danielle Marsh was. She was everywhere, on advertisements on buses, malls, or even on energy drinks.

In Haerin's room, it was filled with Danielle's merch, her posters, her albums, and even her photocards. It was unfathomable how much money she spent just to support her favourite idol, in hopes of one day meeting her. Little did she know, she would meet her.

One day, Haerin just finished school and was walking back home, suddenly a girl grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her in a dark alleyway.

She put her hand, which was rather soft and silky, on Haerin's mouth, "Don't scream."

Just then, a bunch of people, who had cameras in their hands, ran past them, not noticing that they were there.

"Thanks," The mysterious girl said, before taking off her hats and sunglasses. If she was any pretty on camera, her in real life was twice of that. The surrounding air seemed to blow on her hair and accentuate her beauty even more. She uncovered Haerin's mouth, looking at the lipstick stain on her hand as she smiled and rubbed it off.

"You're... you're Danielle Marsh!" Haerin screamed excitedly as she started jumping up and down, before she calmed herself, not trying to make a fool of herself in front of her favourite idol.

"Yes honey," Danielle, revealed her identity, "Thanks for helping me get away from the press, just wanted to be left alone today."

Haerin nodded as if she understood what being famous was all about.

"Well, thank you, what's your name?" Danielle asked before leaving.

"I'm Haerin," She smiled and introduced herself.

"I'm Danielle," Danielle replied back with her signature sunshine grin, "but I think you already knew that." She said and winked at her before putting back on her hat and sunglasses as she looked left and right and walked off, still with the posture of a model.

"Wow..." Haerin put both of her hands on her mouth, "Danielle Marsh just touched me with her hand... THE Danielle Marsh, I'm never showering now," She muttered to herself as she hummed Danielle's song on her way back home, clearly on cloud nine that her dream had come true.

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