Chapter 14: My Mistakes

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T/W: Homophobia, sexism, minor violence, childhood truama

"My first mistake in life... was when I forgot to check if I had brought my calculator to school. Instead of getting my usual 100 on the test, I had gotten a 99," He said. "From then on, I made a decision not to make anymore mistakes in my life, because I hated how the 99 looked, but I hated what it looked under it more, I can still remember it now, written in big red ink, you can do better." He twisted his hand, as if reliving his childhood trauma.

"My second mistake... was marrying your mother," very obviously addressing Danielle, "because she led me to make my third mistake."

"My second mistake... was Danielle," He smugged dissatisfied, Haerin could not believe her ears, a father calling their own children a mistake? She looked over at her girlfriend, who was filled with tears, but her emotions and composure told her that she had heard this speech more times than she could've imagined already. "I shouldn't have given birth to a girl." He said.

"I kept on telling your mother," Now he was very obviously addressing Danielle, "To not have you, and to try again for a son. But she was stubborn, convinced that a girl would bring joy to the family as well." He started making clipping sounds with his mouth, expressing his dissatisfaction to bring Danielle to this world.

"How could you say that!" Haerin snapped at him, she didn't care if that was Danielle's father and her father-in-law, nothing will ever be more hurtful then to tell a child that his parents think she is a mistake.

"And you, my sweet and naive Haerin, is the fourth mistake in my life." He said, now looking at the shocked cat-eyed girl. "You see, my whole life, I have chased for perfection. And I have built this company with my own blood, sweat and tears for years, and I'm planning to pass it on to my son-in-law once I retire. So, you have two choice. You either leave Danielle, or I'll make you leave."

Haerin didn't have time to react to the threat before a woman appeared in the room, Danielle looked at the woman, seemingly hurt, they must've been close.

"Please, Haerin dear, leave," The voice was identical to the one which greeted them in the elevator earlier.

"Mum!" Danielle shouted, that was her mum? "I love Haerin, I would never leave her!"

Danielle's dad then stepped forward, pinching Danielle's tiny shoulders with his bigs hands and started to apply pressure onto it, making her bones compress and start to crush, "Danielle... I'm not asking you to leave her, I'm asking her to leave you."

Danielle's dad then push Danielle in front of him, facing Haerin, like a human meat-shield holding Danielle hostage. The pain was too much for Danielle to handle as she started to scream in agony for help.

Haerin knew that she had to help her girlfriend, but she was no match for her father. "Danielle!" She could only scream helplessly.

"Don't leave, I love you Haerin!" Danielle shouted with all her strength, the foundation of her make-up was now completely destroyed because of her tears and her true skin was visible. Her smooth, silky brown hair now changed into frizzly and messy strands, dangling in front of Danielle's face as she struggled to break free of her father's hold and run towards Danielle.

Danielle's father slapped her, causing a thud with Danielle hit the ground. Her mother was just standing there, watching.

Haerin flinched at the sound of the clap as she witness her girlfriend get thrown to the ground.

"I love Danielle!" She declared as she started bolting towards her girlfriend's fragile body and went to pick her up. The adrenaline seemed to rush through her body and fuel her muscle at that moment as she lifted Danielle and made a run for it.

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