Chapter 29: Death Threats

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T/W: Mention of suicide

Almost when school ended, Haerin was still looking around desperately to try to find the culprit.

As that moment, her phone buzzed once more: Looking for me?

Who are you? She texted back.

The next text read: Come and find out ;)

Whoever Haerin was messaging had a plan of messing with her. She knew she wouldn't give in this easily. She graoned loudly in frustration as she swung her bag onto her back and trotted home.

As Haerin went back home, she heard Hyein's faint crying noise from outside.

As any older sister would, she immediately crashed opened the door and went to find her little sister, who was craddled in Hanni's arms.

Looking at how wet Hanni's sleeve was, Haerin asked concernedly, "What happened?"

Hanni sighed, "Some trolls on the internet found Hyein's social media account and messaged her things."

Hyein sobbed even louder, "What did I do?"

She gripped her hair in a ball and squeezed it stressfully, her beautiful raven hair now turned frizzly and unappealing.

Hanni handed over Hyein's phone to Haerin, who read all the malicious comments one by one. Her heart ached as she imagined Hyein suddenly receiving all these death threats, telling her to kill herself, and that her whole family was a disgrace to the Marsh family name.

She scrolled towards Hyein's post. On Hyein's Instagram, she had all of those cute and naive pictures little girl would post. But below, there were all types of ridiculous and cruel comments.

Someone wrote: You're so ugly lol, tell your sister to kill herself.

Another person wrote:  Why do you have lips filler? You look like a ugly duck. Get Danielle Marsh out of this ugly family.

Haerin cringed reading these hurtful comments as she phoned her wife, "Come over, now." She ordered.

Not even after 5 minutes, the doorbell rung.

"Hey Kitty!" The happy Danielle appeared in front of the door, "What's going on?"

Haerin angrily dragged Danielle to Hyein, "Your "fans"," She threw up her hands, making a finger bracket, "Commented things that no 15 year old should ever listened."

"What?" Danielle asked confused. But after Haerin handed over the phone, Danielle was equally as angry.

She crouched next to the weeping Hyein carefully, before placing her palm on her forehead, peacefully massaging it as she whistled, calming down the baby.

"I'm so sorry Hyein," She apologised, "I didn't know I would be like this."

Between Hyein's muffled cries and her sniths, she said, "It's... It's not... your fault."

Danielle stood up, "Of course it is, don't worry, I'm going to sue all of them to the ground and make sure all of them are bankrupt!" She declared, raising a finger up to the sky.

Hyein chuckled cutely, her little bright leer slowly appearing after Danielle's joke.

Hanni smiled, knowing that a part of the optimistism from the giant baby was back. She looked at Danielle, "Maybe you can tell Hyein how to avoid these comments, since you've been in the industry long enough, I'm sure you know how to deal with these malicious and rude remarks made towards you."

Danielle nodded, maybe Hanni being with Minji made her learn a lot about idol's life.

"Hanni's right," Haerin agreed.

"Hyein, you should first private your account, so that those no-life hating trolls can't get to you no more," She said, "Me and your sisters will help you delete the comments."

"Already on it," Haerin said, biting on her tongue while pressing frantically on Hyein's phone screen.

"Thank you, you're so smart," She used the opportunity to compliment her wife before continuing, "Ignore every mean comment, you're you and they're them. Remember, if they have something bad to talk about you, then that means they are insecure about their own life and they just want you to feel bad. Don't worry Hyein, I know that you are better than every single one of them. You're the brightest girl I've known, and we all love you. So don't listen to them."

"I won't Danielle, thank you," Hyein said, standing back up. Her usual smile reappeared on her visage.

Danielle ruffled Hyein's hair before patting her head. She checked her wristwatch before commenting, "Hey Haerin, I gotta go back right now. See you tonight?"

Haerin nodded, "See you tonight babe."

As she walked Danielle to the door, Danielle asked, "So how was school? You know, after our marriage."

Not wanting to worry Danielle about her situation, she lied, "It's boring, as usual, nothing much. Thanks for helping with Hyein today."

Danielle shook her head before planting a gentle peck on Haerin, "Hey, it's the least I can do. Afterall, it's kind of because of me."

"Well, even if it is, you handled it beautifully princess," Haerin placed her lips on Danielle's, before letting go softly, much to Danielle's annoyance.

"One more before I go?" Danielle pleaded.

"No," Haerin rejected, "You'll get more tonight, go for training, I want you to yearn for my kiss," She teased with the infamous smirk plastered on her face.

"Ugh I hate you," Danielle said with a frown, disasstified as she walked back to her car.

Haerin giggled and yelled before waving, "I love you too Danielle Marsh!"

Author's Note: Please don't take what I wrote about Hyein seriously! I love Hyein and I won't say anything mean about her ever and ever. It's just a story! All fictional! 

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