Chapter 45: The Epilogue

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8 years later

"I can't believe it. This is it guys," Danielle looked at the other 4 members bittersweetly. "This is our last concert."

Haerin nodded, intertwining her hands with Danielle's. It's been a long time since they were kids. Heck, since they were married.

Hyein joined in, "I can't believe it's about to end."

"It was fun," Hanni commented, placing her arm around Minji's shoulders.

"It was," Minji smiled at her wife.

The girls had fun on stage, performing to the biggest crowd in not only K-pop, but music history.

Danielle announced while panting, exhausted with their performance, "Before this ends, we want to perform to you one last song. Can you guys guess what it is?"

An overwhelming shout of response were heard through the waves of people.

"Super shy!" Some said.

"Hype boy!" The others said.

"And its..." Danielle waited for the rest of the membered to chime in.

"Attention!" Everyone raised their hands up in excitement.

"Our first song! What better way to finish off this journey then to perform the song that you guys met us with!" Haerin waved as the music started coming on.

"Sing along!" Hyein told the crowd while jumping up and down, teary eye filled with sentiment.

"You got me looking for attention..." Danielle sung as she can't help but to look at Haerin. Without knowing, Haerin was already looking at her. Danielle squinted her eye into a smile, as if their eyes could talk, Haerin knew exactly what Danielle was thinking.

Haerin responded with her wife's flirtatious act by leaning closer while the crowd watches and cheers, "You give me butterflies you know..."

As she said that, Danielle couldn't help but to capture the moment as they pressed against each other's lips.

Hyein took some confetti from the floor as she sprinkled it all over the couple.

As the atmosphere died down and it was the last few moments of Newjeans, each member can't help but to hug each other as they melt into each other's embrace.

"Thank you bunnies!" They hummed, "This was Newjeans!"

Each one of them stared into the ocean of people, waving their binky bong simultaneously, creating a crowd of colours swinging left and right.

As the 5 of them went back stage, they were greeted by 2 familiar sight.

"That was great!" The boy said.

"That was more than great! Magnificent!" The girl jumped up, trying to one-up her brother.

Haerin giggled at the twins' cute behaviour and patted their head, "Jerry and Summer Marsh, it's time for your bedtime."

"But mommy..." They looked at their mother with pleading puppy doll eyes, "Can we pwease stay up a teeny weeny bit longer... just for tonight?"

Haerin looked at Danielle hopelessly.

"Fine," Danielle caved in, "Only for tonight!"

"Yay!" The twins hugged their parents as they ran off, chasing each other around the place.

"They're so cute..." Hanni adored as they watch the kids circle around them, giggling to themselves.

"So how's our little Pham Pham junior?" Haerin smirked, "still a picky eater?"

"She's been better," Minji put her hands around her hips, "But she still drives me and Hanni crazy with her sleeping schedule."

Hanni tilted her head forward, "Exactly! I haven't had good sleep in a long time!"

Minji pulled Hanni closer to her chest as Hanni snuggled her face on her warm body like a baby.

Minji chuckled, "Baby number 2? Pham pham?"

Hanni smirked, "What do you mean by that?"

Minji raised up her hands defensively, "I meant you're the baby!"

That was received by Hanni's fist on her shoulder. Despite the girl's short stature, her punches were like fist of iron.

The tallest girl pulled her older members, who were practically sisters to them as she hugged them once again, "I love you guys."

"We love you too."

--The End of My Idol Girlfriend--

Author's Note: This is the end! I love writing this story! Thanks for blowing up my stories so I can have a platform to write and share my creation! You guys are the best readers I can ask for. 

At first, I started writing as a hobby to convey my passion for Newjeans. But this passion grew to a much bigger and greater achievement than I can ever imagine when I started writing more books! Now I have 5 books in my repertoire!

This story was only supposed to have 16 chapters. But thanks to your mass support, I extended it all the way to 45 chapters! Thank you so much!

I won't create new books in the time being because I have to focus on school, but please enjoy my other stories and continue stanning Newjeans!

Please vote for the story if you enjoyed it as it will really help me push the story out to more people :D Thank you!

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