Chapter 40: The Lawsuit

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Author's Note: I forgot to include Danielle and Haerin yesterday LOL, so this is their part and it goes before yesterday part so I will rearrange the chapter's later :D Thanks for understanding!

"We are gathered today to discuss the matter of Ms Danielle Marsh, and Ms Kang Haerin, along with the doings of Ms Lee Heesoo." The secretary beside the judge announced.

"Court rest," The judge said. Everyone shuffled nervously in their seats.

"Your honour," Danielle's and Haerin's lawyer requested, "May I invite Ms Marsh on the stand?"

"You may," The judge permitted him as Danielle stepped forward anxiously.

"Please step forward andface the judge and recite the oath," The judge requested.

"I solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Danielle announced.

Heesoo's lawyer walked up, "Who are you to Kang Haerin?"

"I am her wife," Danielle firmly said, earning a small smile from Haerin.

"Why would you, a famous idol, out of all people, marry someone like Ms Kang over there?" The lawyer questioned.

"I'm not quite sure what you mean, what do you mean someone like Haerin?" Danielle raised her eyebrows.

"Do I need to spell it out for you?" The lawyer rolled her eyes, muttering, "No wonder people say idols are stupid." She fixed her suit, "I meant, that why would an idol like you fall in love with their fan?"

Danielle's demeanor immediately changed from her everyday friendly and approaching personality, to an angry one when she heard someone talk about Haerin badly, "She's my wife and I love her for it. There's no explanation to love."

Haerin smiled.

The lawyer seemed to be taken aback and almost embarrassed with her question as she walked back and sighed, "I'm done with Ms Marsh, your honour."

"Very well," The judge said, "Ms Kang, please step forward to the stand and recite your oath."

Haerin stepped forward, and repeated the oath.

"Ms Kang," The lawyer then proceeded to ask, with occasional glimpse at the furious-looking Danielle shooting death stares at her. If looks could kill, she would be withering right then and there.

"Why were you there at the place where it happened?" The lawyer questioned.

"I had received threats about my wife's reputation," Haerin explained, "And was asked to meet the sender at the back of the alleyway, where the fight had taken place."

"And you couldn't just ignore the message? I thought as the wife of an idol, you would known how to treat and ignore a hater," The lawyer teased.

Danielle rose up and was ready to jump the lawyer before the judge smashed his hammer on the table, "Order!"

Danielle huffed, and sat down.

"Don't worry," Their representative lawyer whispered, "I will take care of this. Just stay put."

Danielle nodded in frustration.

"Relenvancy your honour," The lawyer shouted.

"Sustained," The judge looked at Heesoo's layer sternly.

"And what happened at the alleyway? Who initiated the fight?" The lawyer interrogated.

"I was ambushed, a cloth was put over my head," Haerin stated.

"And the cloth is... grey right?" The lawyer smirked.

Haerin thought for a moment, she was unsure as everything happened so quickly. She thought that because the opposition was a lawyer, they would not lie, right?

"I think so," Haerin scratched her head.

"See," The lawyer turned to the judge, "Your honour, she is not even correct about the colour of the cloth? What makes her eligible to stand on this stand, to testify against this court?"

Their lawyer shot up, "Leading. Please, do I need to tell you how to do your job?" He jabbed sassily.

"Order!" The judge repeated.

The lawyer then walked around the court as she waved her document around, "Ms Kang, do you think that if you hadn't shown up, none of this would happen?"

Haerin gulped, "yes..."

"Perhaps you are jealous of a opposition to your fellow classmate, how Heesoo also had a crush on him, and wanted to use an excuse to bring up a fight against Ms Lee," The lawyer accused.

Haerin's eye twitched, "Of course not! I love my wife! That is not what happened!"

Looking at Haerin's agrivated-self, the opposition smirked satisfyingly, as she addressed the judge, "Nothing more your honour."

Author's Note: Sorry for not updating for so long! I had school and was catching up on everything!

Please vote for the chapter if you enjoyed it as it will really help me push the story out to more people :D Thank you!

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