Chapter 41: The Witness

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"Your honour," Danielle's and Haerin's lawyer requested, "May I present our first witness."

"You may," The judge nodded.

The lawyer then approached their judge table and handed over the cassett tape that contained the recording of the alleyway fight to the secretary, "We would like to submit this as evidence as well."

The secretary inspected it before inserting it into the player below the giant table.

"Victim number 1, please step foward to face the judge," The judge announced. "Please swear by the oath that you will tell the truth."

Hyunwook raised his right hand, "I solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

"Speak into the microphone, state your full name for the record," The judge asked, with the secretary hurriedly noting every word.

"My name is Choi Hyunwook," Hyunwook stated.

"On 8th September 2023, where were you at?" Danielle and Haerin's lawyer asked.

"I was in school," The boy said.

"Where did you go after school?" The lawyer pointed at her with his pen.

"I was at the back of the alleyway, where Lee Heesoo engaged in a fight with my classmate, Kang Haerin," Hyunwook testified.

"And why were you there? Who informed you to go there?" The lawyer walked around the open space, holding a board with a piece of paper clipped onto it.

Hyunwook told them, "My classmate, Kang Haerin, had received numerous text messages harassing her for the past couple of days. The last message they sent was to ask her to meet them there. I know nothing good ever goes on there, so I decided to follow them there as well, to prevent any altercation that may happen."

The lawyer then pointed to the screen, where the TV buzzed and a label showing "Evidence #1" was seen.

The image flashed on the screen, containing Haerin's and Heesoo's whole conversation.

"As you can see," The lawyer addressed the jury, who were sitting on the sidelines, observing carefully and quietly, "My client has received numerous threat regarding her safety."

"May I invite the second witness?" The lawyer asked, which the judge permitted as Mrs. Kim stepped forward.

Minji's mother raised her right hand, "I solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

"Where did you get this footage Mrs Kim?" The lawyer interrogated.

"My restaurant has a camera which connected into the alleyway," Ms Kim said.

The footage played on the screen, with the jury and the crowd sometimes whincing at the hits and blows they were doing to each other.

Some of the people in the crowd even covered their eyes when they saw the knife display on screen, which some sit there as if they were watching a drama unveil on the TV.

"As you can see," The lawyer turned to the jury again, "Ms Lee was the one who started the attack. And my clients were only there and attacked for self defence. As the saying goes, the best defense is a good offense."

The jury chuckled at his remarks.

"Let me invite the third and final witness to this court," The lawyer said, waving his hands to the door where Hyein came out, accompanied with her big sister, Hanni.

Haerin gave them a thumbs up and mouthed, "You can do this!"

"As victim number 3 is not of age, she will be accompanied by her big sister," The lawyer announced as Hyein sat comfortably on the chair, wiggling her body around as Hanni slapped her back and told her to focus.

Hyein raised her right hand, "I solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and..." She scratched her head cluelessly, "What was it again?"

Hanni rolled her eyes as she recited the oath along with her sister again.

"affirm that I will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Hyein continued, giggling.

"Hyein," The lawyer approached the young girl and leaned forward in a kinder tone than when addressing the previous two victims, "What happened on your social media page?"

Hyein seemed to have a traumatic flashback as her eye twitched, before saying, "A lot of people came to attack and send me death threats, for being Haerin's little sister."

"And when did this happen?" The lawyer circled Hyein.

"Right after it was announced that my sister was married to Danielle," Hyein answered truthfully.

"Your honour, our team has done some more digging," He slapped the document on the jury's table, letting them inspect the paperwork. "And we found out that most of the accounts have only been created on that day, and have little to no followers. After further investigation, we found out that they were all linked to one person, the accused, Lee Heesoo."

"Call for speculation," Heesoo's defence lawyer said, standing up.

"Hardly, look for yourself," The married couple's lawyer took the document from the jury, before kindly showing it to the judge.

"Overruled," The judge said, "You may continue."

"If I didn't know better, I might  say that you attacked a little girl, just for your own jealousy. Am I right?" The lawyer asked, facing Heesoo.

"Objection your honour, heresay," The other lawyer argued again.

The judge nodded, "Sustained."

The lawyer muttered, "Don't worry, we'll find out later," with a smirk on his face.

"That's all your honour," The lawyer neatly organised his paperwork by clapping it on the desk, before sitting on his chair confidently, tucking his tie nicely.

"He's good," Haerin commented in a soft voice, nudging her wife, showing her approval."

Danielle smiled, "I agree."

"The accused, please step forward to the podium please," The judge requested, as the guards, led Heesoo, who was handcuffed in a orange jumper suit, to her place.

Author's Note: Part 2 soon! :D

Please vote for the chapter if you enjoyed it as it will really help me push the story out to more people :D Thank you!

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