Chapter 5: I Can't Love You

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Haerin woke up as she scrambled for her phone, that's when she noticed there were over a 100 miss calls from the time she was asleep.

"Who's calling me so much?" She rubbed her eyes, still half-asleep.

Just then, her phone rang again. It was Danielle.

She hurriedly pick up the call of her favourite idol as she put on her best voice, trying to cover up the fact that she just woke up.

"Haerin, OMG, you're safe!" Danielle said over the phone, panting, has she been running?

"Yea, I'm safe, why?" Haerin asked before regretting what just came out of her mouth, she didn't want to force an answer out of the celebrity, that just seemed unnecessary and rude.

"You didn't pick up all of my phone calls! I was getting worried!" Danielle told her.

Haerin felt her cheeks getting redder and hotter, Danielle was... worry for her?

"I'm safe Danielle, you don't have to worry," She reassured her.

That made Danielle heaved a sigh of relief. "Hey," Danielle added, "Can you come out to meet me today?"

That made the sleepy Haerin suddenly awake, why would Danielle want to meet her?

Hearing the silence, Danielle sensed something was wrong. "I promise no one would see us, I know a place, I'll send my chauffeur to your house."

Haerin didn't know what Danielle wanted to talk about, but she didn't want to miss a chance of meeting her favourite idol.

"You promise they won't see us?" Haerin asked skeptically, she didn't want to be the headlines of the country news again.

"They won't honey, I'll make sure of that," Danielle confirmed to her over the phone, "Send me your address."

Haerin hung up and texted her address to Danielle. Not 5 minutes later, a black limo appeared in front of her house. She hurriedly got up and dressed herself before stepping into the limo, still trying to make sure that her make-up was flawless.

The black limo drove her to a secluded place near the hills, if she didn't know any better, she would've thought she had gotten kidnapped.

She stepped out of the limo, admiring the beautiful natural scenery. The wave crashing on the side of the hills was like music to her ears. She took a deep breath of the fresh air as she walked towards Danielle, who was waving frantically at her, trying to get her attention. She was standing in front of a deserted tree house, small but welcoming.

As she walked closer, she noticed Danielle was not as energetic as she was, dark eye-bags formed around her sunshine eyes, but her signature smile never foundered.

"You like it?" Danielle asked as she looked at Haerin, who was too busy admiring everything else.

Haerin nodded, hearing the soft, butter-smooth voice come out of Danielle's mouth made her melt inside.

As they stepped inside of the tree-house, they were greeted by a surprisingly large interior which made Haerin gasp.

"This is my hide-out," Danielle told her, "No one has been inside except me, well, and you now, don't tell anyone okay?" She whispered as she put a finger on Haerin's mouth, silencing her while she dragged her around the house, giving her a full tour.

When they came out of the house, someone must've had came around a put food on the table, because there laid two delicious looking breakfast on the table.

"I reckon you haven't had breakfast yet," Danielle smiled warmingly, her smile made her look even prettier. "So let's have breakfast together!"

Haerin sat down and started eating, still not saying a word. The silence was deafening.

Danielle finally decided to address the elephant in the room, she put down her fork and her knife as she looked at Haerin in the eyes, making Haerin feel butterflies in her stomach all over again.

"Haerin, about yesterday's news... I'm sorry," She said, clearly apologetic as she started rubbing her hands together and looked down at her lap.

Haerin shook her head, "It's okay Danielle."

"Haerin," Danielle extended her hand on the table, stopping Haerin from moving her hand which was holding a knife as she gently stroked her back-palm, "You don't have to listen to the internet, they're full of people who are going to judge everything you do."

Haerin nodded, before asking bluntly, "Why are you doing this Danielle?"

That made Danielle flinched back as she stopped touching Haerin's hand, before questioning confusedly, "What do you mean?"

"I meant, why did you invite me back-stage, then invite me here?" She clarified her question as she pondered on the possibilities curiously.

"I like you Haerin," She confessed.

"You... like me?" Haerin asked, doubting if she heard her idol correctly, this was only something she dreamt of.

"Ever since that day at the alleyway when I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one. Your cute cat-like eyes are so unique, your soft hands, your red lips, everything about you, is special to me. And yesterday, after people started speculating on the internet and making up the rumours, I didn't want you to feel bad, so I ran all over town just to try to find you, ringing up every door and going to everywhere I can," She explained, "I've never loved someone so much, I know we've just met, but I don't want those rumours to just be rumours anymore, I want you to be mine."

Haerin sat there, processing everything Danielle had said, before her eyes started to tear up. "I... I'm sorry... I can't be with you..." She stuttered.

The response obviously surprised Danielle as she didn't expect her feelings to be rejected, especially after finding out how much Haerin liked her. Her smile became a slight frown as she asked, "Why? If it's the media, we can keep our relationship a secret."

Haerin smiled back, but it wasn't an optimistic smile, more like a bitter-sweet one as she looked at her idol, with tears now flowing down her cheeks, "We're people of two different worlds Danielle. People will never accept our relationship, you'll find someone better and forget about me." She said as she stood up preparing to leave. She was heartbroken having her dream come true but having to reject Danielle in front of her, letting Danielle go. The shock in Danielle's face made her regret every part of her decision, but part of her knew that taking up her sister's advice was the right call.

"Haerin, please don't leave, I want you..." Danielle told her, extending her hand to hold Haerin back from leaving the tree house.

Haerin turned to face Danielle, before planting a kiss on her lips. A small and short peck, but it meant the world to the both of them, it felt like flowers blooming inside their mouth and fireworks crackling in their hearts.

"Here, every time you think of me, remember the kiss. But we can't be more than a singer and her fan," She told her sweetly, before rubbing Danielle's cheeks, who started to tear up as well. "I'll always watch your performance and  you'll always be my favourite idol, I'll always be admiring you, silently from afar. I love you Danielle."

And with that, she opened the door and drove off with the chauffeur back to her home, leaving Danielle to reminisce about their kiss.

"I love you too Haerin..." Danielle muttered as she closed the door, locking her secret hideaway.

Please vote for the chapter if you want Danielle and Haerin to get back together :D Also it will help me push the story out to more people :) Thank you!

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