Chapter 18: Hot Pursuit

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"Hurry up! He's getting away!" Danielle jumped impatiently while waiting for Haerin to return her shoes.

"Okay okay!" Haerin said as they started chasing after the guy.

"Stop!" Danielle yelled. That seemed to make the guy stop.

"Are you both... Dating?" The guy bluntly asked.

"No, we're just friends kissing each other," Haerin lied, hoping that the guy would be dumb enough to fall for her obvious sarcastic lie.

"Oh," He nodded, did he seriously believe Haerin? "Then kiss me Danielle."

"WHAT?" Both of their scream syncronysed. Who would have such a bold ego to ask their idol to kiss them in broad daylight without even knowing them properly first?

"You said your fans were like your friends, since you kiss your friend, you should kiss me too," The guy explained, as if it was an obvious thing.

"Can you at least delete the photo first?" Danielle asked hopefully, trying to trick the guy by deleting it first and then running away, not giving him the kiss he had wished for so badly.

"No," He shielded his camera with his hands, "After you kiss me honey."

Danielle cringed at the nickname as she took a gulp, but Haerin held her hand in front of Danielle, stopping her.

"You know, you trespassed onto her property, so if you don't delete it, we're going to report you to the police," She threatened.

That seemed to make the guy taken aback. Before Danielle joined the protest, "Yea! How did you even get into the property?"

"The carpet isn't a good place to keep a key to your mansion," He said.

Danielle looked away, embarrassed. Her own negligence led her to this spot.

"So? Are you going to delete it?" Haerin walked forward, attempting to grab the camera out of the guy's hand.

"Fine," He huffed, "As long as I'm still getting that kiss later."

"Yea no chance stalker boy, unless you want to go to jail," Haerin responded.

The guy had no choice but to click delete on the photo where Danielle and Haerin kissed.

"Now shoo, before I call the police," Haerin told him as he ran away in fear.

"Thanks..." Danielle looked at her princess charming, her savior from the creepy fan.

"Of course! I'll do anything to keep you safe," Haerin told her, before punching her chest playfully, "But you gotta keep your keys somewhere else."

"How about I give it to you?" Danielle suggested. "So you can come here anytime and hang out with me."

"How are you going to get home then? I'm going to have to be there everyday?" Haerin asked as she twirled with the idea.

"Well, I don't mind seeing a little bit of you each day," She fiddled with her finger, blushing.

"Then I'm going to take up your offer," She nodded, picking up the key under the carpet and putting it into her purse. "It's safe with me babe."

Author's Note: Do you guys think I'm extending the story a bit too much? I might end it on Chapter 25. 7 more chapters, what do you guys think about it? 

Please vote for the chapter if you enjoyed it as it will help me push the story out to more people :D Thank you!

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