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Chapter 18: WuYi looks at the roadside flowers

Warning: child abuse, sadism & (possibly) pedophilia

Nameless little wildflowers fluttered gently along the road with the breeze. As soon as Xiao WuYi and the others stepped into the small village, they felt a distinctive atmosphere floating in the air.

As they walked further in, with an exception to the slow-moving zombies, they found no trace of another living person. They didn’t even see any active zombies and the supplies in the villagers’ houses were emptied as well.

It was a large village but it was quiet and empty, like a place that had been dead for a long time.

Xie Jun looked around at the old infrastructures around him. His keen nerves made him feel uncomfortable and he couldn’t help saying, “The more I look, the more I feel like this place is a ghost town straight from a horror movie.”

“Fuck!” A younger brother that felt goosebumps all over his body exclaimed. He rubbed his arms and loudly hissed, “Brother, don’t say such scary things!”

“Everything here has been pillaged. It should be that someone has been here before and the living young people must’ve escaped early on. Look closely at these zombies, most of them are older people!”

Wu Wenyu analyzed the scene while touching her chin. She was born brave and did not feel afraid. A closer look at the zombies’ remains reveals that the crystal nuclei in the zombies’ heads have also been clearly pulled out.

“That should be the case.” Headmaster Yuan also nodded his head, and then he looked at the road ahead and said, “Let’s continue to go forward. There wouldn’t be anything nice here.”

Seeing as everyone already decided so, Xie Jun could only nod his head and suppress the strange feeling in his heart. He picked up his pace to catch up with everyone.

However, Xiao Wuyi pulled his sleeve at this time, pointing to a few unremarkable wildflowers on the ground, he asked innocently and with curiosity, “Xiaojunjun, what kind of flower is that?”

“So small, how cute!”

Everyone could not help laughing when they heard this. They turned back to look at the cute appearance of the young boy who seemed to be taking an outing in the countryside and their moods also instantly relaxed.

The well-informed Headmaster Yuan looked closely and immediately spoke the scientific name of the wildflowers as he smiled and touched the head of Xiao WuYi, “This blue flower is called Veronica persica Poir and it’s a very common wildflower in the country.”

Wu Wenyu came over and took Xiao WuYi’s hand in case he wandered off again, “Okay, okay, stop looking at the flowers, we still need to get into the city by today.”

The little hamster who was being led away looked back after three steps and seemed to perceive something. “Xiao Yu-meimei, Xiaohuahua seems reluctant to let us leave!”

Everyone listened to the naive words of the young boy and couldn’t help but laugh. They brushed it off, thinking it was just the boy liking the pretty wildflowers too much.


At that moment, in a primary school on the mountainside of the village, a thin little girl opened her beautiful eyes and stared at the void in front of her.

Seeing Xiao WuYi’s back speeding away, she suddenly cried out in a hurry.

“Brother, what do we do? They’re leaving! They won’t find us here!” The little girl raised her hands and wiped the tears in her eyes. Her power was too weak to see beyond the limited range.

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