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Map added with the other places/base coming soon!

The repaired communication device invigorated the survivors of the entire base. Headmaster Yuan and the knowledgeable talents of the university had quietly given everyone a big surprise, and perfectly taught everyone a vivid lesson.

Sure enough, no matter what era it may be, the primary driving force of productivity is knowledge.

Looking at the well-equipped communication device, Nie Xiao didn’t hesitate and let Headmaster Yuan and the other students send out a signal. No matter how many people receive this signal in the end, as long as it exists, there would be a trace of hope.

Much time has passed since the arrival of the apocalypse, surely more and more people will find ways to establish communication because exchanging information is an important way to bring forces together.

To everyone’s surprise, as soon as the signal was sent out, there were immediate responses from several places.

——”This is Harbin base, thank the heavens for this chance, we’re here with you.”

——”This is Capital Base. What is your current situation?”

——”We are survivors of Lancheng. This is great, I’ve received your news!! How is Fengcheng now!?”

Hearing the replies, everyone’s eyes uncontrollably flushed. They hugged each other with excitement and screamed.

It was truly great that everyone was doing their best to live.

Xiao WuYi was also infected by this atmosphere and was hugging Nie Xiao while crying with a red nose, causing Nie Xiao to feel both amused and warm.

“Daddy, everyone’s alive!”

Nie Xiao rubbed the boy’s head, his tender eyes also igniting with the light of hope. “En, everything will change for the better!”

Following this, Headmaster Yuan and the others began to have in-depth exchanges with the other places non-stop. Many people were destined to have a sleepless night tonight.

Nie Xiao and WuYi also wanted to stay with Headmaster Yuan to wait for more news, but because they were outside the base during the day, they were tired, plus they would probably have to go out tomorrow again, so they were relentlessly rushed to sleep by everyone.

“Go, go, go. Those of you who work physically, don’t need to come and participate in our mental activities. Hurry and go back to sleep!” Headmaster Yuan scolded, “Does each one of you want to die a sudden death at your young age?”

Xiao WuYi, who faced scolding, shrank behind Nie Xiao muttering in a low voice, “Older people should obviously rest well too!!”

Headmaster Yuan squinted his eyes and immediately put on the serious face of a headmaster, misguiding the young boy in a deadpan voice, “Older people sleep less.”

Duan Wenyu heard this and laughed, then he pointed to his head and said, “Headmaster, can I participate in your brain activities with my IQ?”

Headmaster Yuan looked him up and down, then shook his head with a cold face. “You’re not fit for it. Hurry and go to sleep.”

Duan Wenyu’s face suddenly became stiff.

At the side, Ning Feng laughed heartily without restraint. “Hahahaha, did you hear that? You’re not fit for it.”

In the end, with a burst of cheerful laughter, everyone working outside during the day was chased out of the communications room.

Only, before they left, Nie Xiao’s lightning ability was still glowing and emitting heat.

A Filthy Rich Hamster in the ApocalypseDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora