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Ning Feng and the others couldn’t contain their elation and surprise. They took the lead to fly to the sky to welcome the returning Nie Xiao. However, when they got closer, they were stunned by the sorrow on Nie Xiao’s face.

They saw tears uncontrollably flowing from the corners of Nie Xiao’s flushed eyes as he stood desolately amid the blue sky. He raised his head and wept quietly, “Baby…”

They had never seen such a sad Nie Xiao.

A terrible and grievous conjecture popped up in their mind. Could it be that Saath’s bullshit plan really succeeded? Was Xiao WuYi really killed by him?

“Boss…” said Ning Feng in a trembling voice while looking at Nie Xiao. He gripped Nie Xiao’s arms with both hands. “Where’s WuYi? Where’s our little hamster?”

Nie Xiao’s red eyes looked at Ning Feng blankly and helplessly, tears falling involuntarily. Recalling the vague explosion he’d heard at that moment, his heart hurt so much it was as if it had been dug out. He opened his mouth, yet no sound came out.

He was so tremendously sad it seemed like he had lost his soul.

When Xiao Yan and the group saw Nie Xiao’s state, they burst into tears. They couldn’t restrain their lips from uttering sobs.


The night passed and a new dawn broke. Two days passed by in the blink of an eye, and the Alliance’s reinforcements had finally arrived on Earth.

With violent rumbling and tremors, several huge ships cleaved through the white clouds and descended from the sky. This spectacular scene instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

However, all of this couldn’t set off any waves in Nie Xiao’s heart. He was still standing in the same spot in the sky, untiring and unaware of hunger, seemingly waiting for something idiotically.

Ning Feng, Duan Wenyu, and the team had been guarding Nie Xiao in turns. When they heard the movement on the horizon, they called out to him several times with bloodshot eyes, and yet, they couldn’t get a response.

At that moment, a few small black dots could be seen leaping out of the huge ship at an extremely fast speed before eagerly flying in their direction.

Both MoYan and AnYi couldn’t wait to see their child. They noticed Nie Xiao’s group in the sky and thought they were there specially to welcome them.

AnYi controlled the wind around him as he flew over with a smile. He said in a friendly and gentle manner, “Are you all from the WuYi Base? Hello, I am the Grand Secretary of the Nemo Royal Clan, AnYi.”

MoYan also followed not a moment after. He smiled and declared his possession: “En, he’s also my wife.” AnYi unhappily gave MoYan a fist.

Possier, Feng Dao, and Feng Qiang greeted their fathers. Sislow’s eyes reddened directly. A small cannonball plunged into Lord Randt’s arms. Clutching his father’s collars with both hands, he bawled, “Papa, you’re too late! Why are you only here now uwaahh!

“His Highness WuYi sacrificed his life uwaaahh!!”

AnYi and MoYan quickly caught the keywords. They abruptly turned their heads before questioning with ugly faces, “What did you just say!?”

At this moment, they had finally realized that the surrounding emotions weren’t quite right. The downcast and silent atmosphere didn’t seem like it should be what those welcoming them should have.

Sislow cried while explaining, clarifying what had happened in the past two days briefly, “That Saath of the Qitu race came over two days ago. He wanted to capture His Highness WuYi to create a new world. He threatened His Highness WuYi by saying that he’d blow up all of us if he didn’t go with him. After that, His Highness WuYi, Nie Xiao, and Saath all disappeared. In the end, Boss came back, but His Highness never did!!

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