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Late at night, everyone was fast asleep.

After a long time of not being able to sleep, Nie Xiao sat up and looked at the little dumpling on the pillow under the moonlight passing through from outside the window.

Recalling what the other party said before going to bed, Nie Xiao’s heart inexplicably throbbed again, and when he recalled the little guy’s teenage appearance at that time, his handsome face also burned, becoming hot.

He shook his head vigorously and shook all those unclean thoughts out as well.

Nie Xiao tilted his head slightly, watching the simple-minded little dumpling sleeping with a tranquil face, his heart disrupted. He couldn’t help but suddenly stretch out his hand and forcefully rub a few times as if venting his feelings.

“Little Choubao!”

The unsuspecting little hamster was woken up by all the rubbing, and with a dazed expression struggled to sit up with his little body, but then he saw Nie Xiao move quickly to cover himself with the quilt and shut his eyes to sleep again.

Watching the man, the little hamster’s whole dumpling being suddenly felt confused.



Compared to Nie Xiao’s team who were sleeping peacefully that night, Lin Guohai’s group was very scared and on-edge all night and simply dared not close their eyes.

They used the furniture in the house to block the doors and windows so that the zombies wouldn’t be able to break in for a while. However, as the sun rose, their stomachs rumbled with hunger and it was impossible to stay in this empty room surrounded by zombies any longer.

Sooner or later, they would meet a dead end.

Arriving at this thought, Lin Guohai couldn’t help but raised his head and share a look with his wife, Liu Meijuan. Then, the two stood up, and expressionlessly walked towards the two young men sitting on the opposite side.

The two young men looked at the couple’s actions and felt something fishy, so they immediately stood up with vigilance. “What do you want?”

“I’m sorry!”

Having said that, Lin Guohai and his wife rushed straight at the two young men, and the four immediately fought with each other.

However, even if they were hungry, the two young men still had better physical strength than the middle-aged Lin Guohai and his wife, and they cannot be so easily defeated. Very soon, Lin Guohai and his wife fell into a disadvantage.

The two young men pantingly pressed the couple under them, their mouths fiercely spitting and cursing. They were completely unaware of the danger that was approaching quietly from behind.

The little fatty, who was being overlooked in the corner, noiselessly drew near with two daggers in his hands. Without the slightest hesitation, he efficiently stabbed the two young men’s backs.

These proficient movements were as if it had already been practiced countless times.

The eyes of the two young men abruptly widened, they uttered a pained groan then lost consciousness completely as their bodies fell to the ground.

Liu Meijuan quickly got up to hug her son’s head, then kissed and stroked it. “Really deserving of being our good son, good job!”

“Mom, let’s go out quickly. I’m very hungry!”

Little Fatty said with undisturbed eyes, without the slightest sense of fear after an act of murder, as if the humans at his feet were just livestock to be slaughtered.

A Filthy Rich Hamster in the ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now