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Listening to Xiao WuYi and MoYan, Lord Randt at the other end of the screen became even more disgusted with the Qitu Race, and could not help saying, “If all these speculations and conjectures are valid, then it isn’t surprising that those Qitu remnants only choose to spread this virus in the reserve!

“Because this virus was developed by using our people and is harmless to us, only the inhabitants of the protected area can provide them with a steady stream of ability cores and crystal nuclei!!” Lord Randt tightly frowned as he stated, thinking that what he had said might be the truth.

MoYan nodded in agreement, his eyes sharp and loathing. “That must be right! We drove them to extinction back then, they ought to hate us the most. If this virus could harm us, they would’ve definitely turned us into zombies and ability users first thing to let us form ability cores and crystal nuclei for them to dig up and use.”

They were currently speculating about the Qitu Race with no less than the worst malice. They were certain that the reason why the virus hadn’t been used on them was definitely for this reason.

Instantly, everyone present became even more disgusted with the Qitu Race.

His Majesty Seidong, who was looking through the information he was holding, calmly said, “However, this also ensures our rescue team’s safety. If this virus cannot infect us and make us mutate, then it’s all the more convenient for our counterattack!”

“Yes.” Everyone nodded and answered. This could indeed save them a lot of trouble. As long as they were careful not to be bitten or injured by the zombie, they didn’t have to worry too much about this virus infecting their people.

At that moment, MoYan suddenly remembered Bai Mei’s appearance, which relies on medicine to maintain, and couldn’t help but say, “Speaking of, it’s strange. This virus can cause people to differentiate into four different states, so why didn’t the Qitu Race directly differentiate themselves into ability users? Wouldn’t that be better?”

AnYi, who learned about Bai Mei’s current situation through the information, immediately sneered. “Perhaps in the Qitu Race’s eyes, the zombie king is the ultimate and optimum state of mutation and differentiation? Since it can use both the crystal nuclei and the ability cores. It’s also immortal, they merely have to discard their appearance. How is it not perfect?”

The crowd uncontrollably nodded their heads when they heard this, saying that it really fits that race’s mental state.

Contrarily, Xiao WuYi spoke. “Maybe they can only change into zombie kings? Dad… XiaoXiao said that the majority of the people who became ability users have outstanding physical or mental capability before the apocalypse.

“Before the Qitu Race mutated, their body was extremely poor. It didn’t have the conditions required to mutate into an ability user and was completely unworthy of awakening abilities!” Xiao WuYi frowned and pursed his lips before saying in disgust, “If it were not for their superior minds and stronger mental power, they might have been only reduced to zombies!”

Everyone suddenly smiled seeing Xiao WuYi’s cute disgusted appearance. But think about it carefully, if the Qitu Race were indeed capable of successfully awakening abilities similar to them, it would be a fairly revolting matter.

His Majesty Seidong nodded in affirmation. “Yes! They are not worthy of awakening abilities that resemble ours so they started by stealing and plotting against our people to develop this virus and eventually mutated into a zombie king. Still, they can only gain abilities by stealing other people’s ability cores. Once a thief, always a thief!!!”



While Xiao WuYi was focusing on various arrangements and discussions regarding the dregs of the Qitu Race, Saath had already rushed to Earth’s periphery without a hitch.

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