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A few days have passed by in the blink of an eye. WuYi Base’s daily affairs were proceeding in an orderly manner. Everyone was busy and energetic. The light of hope was perpetually etched in people’s hearts and the apocalypse didn’t seem to have so much suffering and darkness.

Bai Yue, Dr. Wei Hanming, and the other researchers’ research experiments were also being carried out urgently. Bai Mei provided the restorative medicine, giving Dr. Wei and the others a lot of research lead. Bai Mei himself took the initiative to participate, which also contributed to the research progress by leaps and bounds.

Dr. Wei and the others had been conducting analysis tests by drawing blood samples from Bai Mei and they’d finally confirmed that there was indeed some kind of factor inside Bai Mei’s body that could respond to the healing ability by itself, and could thereby also play a certain role in resisting the zombie virus. As soon as this news came out, everyone’s spirits and hearts were greatly inspired! Bai Mei also cried for joy.

However, in consideration of the man in black behind the scenes, this good news hasn’t been announced for the outside world to know. For the time being, only the core members of WuYi Base like Nie Xiao’s group know.

With such a big secret and enormous good news in their hearts, Ning Feng and the others were immediately full of energy and enthusiasm from head to foot. They took teams of ability users out to do missions every day, using quality nuclear weapons and equipment to massacre zombies on a large scale and collect supplies. The other survivors on the base saw the leaders being so motivated and also subsequently became positively productive and optimistic.

Their group was luxuriantly flourishing and brimming with vigor as if to drive away this apocalyptic darkness.

In the following days, Dr. Wei and the crew continued to separate and purify, extracting the trace elements of the resistant factor from Bai Mei’s blood and further analyzing its effect on the zombie virus. At the same time, they were also thinking of methods to analyze the specific components of the restorative medicine for this dark green restorative medicine would become an extremely crucial clue to vaccine development.

If a vaccine could be successfully developed in the end, they would still have to continue to find ways to clone it and produce it in batches.

In short, the task may be arduous and long, but everyone wasn’t discouraged.


While everyone was working hard because of the apocalypse, a certain little hamster prince was also not idle.

In the past few days, Xiao WuYi had perfectly memorized the complicated starfield map. There was a distance of hundreds of millions of light-years between the Earth and the Sengalo Galaxy. During this period, the azimuth of the field map was extremely complicated, but all of them had been firmly embedded in Xiao WuYi’s mind.

Xiao WuYi stretched his hands forward, lay softly on the table, and finally took a big sigh. His little brain has been running at high speed these past few days, and it was already near overloading and discharging smoke.

“Finally learned by heart, Baby is tired to death!”

The quantum brain virtual screen was projecting a huge, splendid, and complex dense sea of stars on the room’s white wall. The Milky Way Galaxy and the Sengalo Galaxy were really very, very far apart.

“You’ve worked hard Baby!”

Nie Xiao rubbed Xiao WuYi’s head. He had been always accompanying him the past few days. Looking at this bright and complicated starfield map, he also felt that it has been very difficult for his family’s cub. He reached out from the side and handed him a glass of fragrant and delicious walnut milk. He personally helped the other drink it to help him replenish his overworked little brain.

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