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After the base’s temporary site of operations was cleaned up, Xiao WuYi and the others were divided into two groups. One group stayed in the base to carry out the construction and safety maintenance of the base, while the other group went out to collect supplies and conduct search and rescue of the survivors outside.

Soon, more and more survivors gathered in the small WuYi Base.

During the search and rescue process, WuYi heard and saw many touching stories that took place in the apocalypse so unconsciously, it seemed like he had matured a lot.

“Daddy, General and I will go higher to take a look.” Xiao WuYi was riding the big tiger and saw the tall buildings surrounded by zombies in the distance so he decided to fly over and take a look.

These past few days, Nie Xiao had confirmed that WuYi had the ability to protect himself, and gradually, he no longer treated him as a little hamster that needed to be carefully pampered within his arms. He nodded and agreed.

Nie Xiao told him, “Be careful.”

“Un!” The youth nodded, and then left riding on the tiger, “I’ll be back soon!”

Nie Xiao watched the youth fly over the zombies and soar towards the sky. He then turned around and started to deal with the dense hoard of zombies around him. Where the thunder and lightning passed, only charred residue was left everywhere.

As a spatial ability user, Bai Mei naturally followed the small team going out these past few days, and he was collecting supplies quite conscientiously, making Nie Xiao and Jiang Qiu question whether they’re just overthinking the way they look at him. 

In reality, however, this was just because Bai Mei had no plans on taking action for the time being.

Seeing Nie Xiao and the others, Bai Mei smiled politely like a spring breeze. If he wants to obtain Nie Xiao and the others’ awakened ability cores, he must first break inside and gain their trust.

Nie Xiao and Jiang Qiu glanced at Bai Mei, who was no longer showing any signs of abnormality and could only temporarily look away and focus on the zombies at hand.

Meanwhile, on Xiao WuYi’s side, survivors were found inside a tall building. Through the glass, Xiao WuYi saw ordinary people trapped inside a room.

A man inside was in despair as the food and supplies had run out. When he saw Xiao WuYi suddenly appear outside the window, an intense desire to survive immediately burst out from his eyes.

Even though he didn’t have the strength to speak at the moment, he tried his best to crawl towards the window and silently cry for help.

Xiao WuYi didn’t dare to hesitate and directly broke the window and took the people out. Everyone didn’t expect that they would be rescued so easily, weeping as they touched the illusionary soft cloud underneath them. They were very happy with this renewed life after a calamity, causing them to treat WuYi almost as a fairy savior.

“This is great, we’re finally rescued!”

“Huhu, thank you so much! I thought I was really going to die!!!”

Xiao WuYi had already become a little accustomed to people shedding tears of gratitude these days and shyly responded to everyone with a cute smile, “Don’t cry, don’t cry. It’s all right. We are here to save you! Everyone must live well when we return to the base.”

Hearing this, everyone instantly couldn’t help but hug each other and burst into tears. They didn’t have the ability to protect themselves in this apocalypse, but there are still people who are willing to come to their rescue. This is theirs and this still existing world’s luck and hope.

A Filthy Rich Hamster in the ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now