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No one could possibly imagine what kind of scene this was. Encircled by layers upon layers, solitarily floating amidst the sea, left with only a feeling of ‘shouting to the heavens and calling for earth yet receiving no response.’

They were already very exhausted after settling the giant zombie whale, and they were completely unable to deal with these many deep-sea monsters before them.

“This is going to screw us over!!!”

Ning Feng couldn’t help but lick his pale, chapped lips, hold his head, and let out a sigh. The first half of their journey had been very smooth, and it was unexpected that all these big occurrences would stifle them here while crossing the sea.

Everyone’s faces were pale as if drained of blood. Bai Mei had no way to contend against so many zombie marine animals, and even simply keeping himself awake was already a tedious task.

The little hamster nearly fell off of Ning Feng’s shoulders because of the tilting of the boat, and his claws barely caught Ning Feng’s clothes when he saw the huge beasts rush towards them.

The little hamster didn’t care about his grief anymore. He shut his eyes and released his consciousness, wanting to transfer everyone on the ship into his own space.

However, at that moment, booming thunder rolled as lightning appeared in the sky. A raging gale caused the surrounding sea surface to rise up and down. The height of the waves surged up intensely as it swayed.

The sky suddenly dimmed while wind and lightning simultaneously struck, initiating the billowing clouds in the sky into big raindrops, pitter-pattering as they fell onto the sea.

However, seeing this overwhelming scene that looked like it came straight from an extinction blockbuster movie, everyone, including the little hamster, only felt an unprecedented sense of familiarity and reliable security.

Under this terrifying and huge thunderstorm, the zombie creatures in the sea did not dare act rashly for a while. They felt a great sense of threat and oppression, making them look all around to find the source.

“Chi!!!” It’s Daddy!

“The boss is back!!!”

“Nie Xiao, that bastard!! Worried Laozi to death, damnit!!!”

Everyone was so moved that they hugged each other and screamed and shouted like excited children. It wasn’t known when, but Nie Xiao’s existence has already become a spiritual pillar in everyone’s hearts.

His return changed everyone’s mood and countenance completely. The sorrow and despair in the air were swept away. They looked at the behemoth zombies in the sea, and an extremely strong will to survive burned within their eyes.

The little hamster standing on Ning Feng’s shoulders looked up at every direction in the sky until he keenly spotted a tall and straight silhouette hidden in between the thunder and lightning.

The clothes on his upper body had long vanished, exposing strong and dependable arms and muscles. His body was without any trace of scars as if he was reborn.

Having obtained complete peace of mind, the little hamster softened. His plump bottom sat on Ning Feng’s shoulders and he made a ‘woo chi woo chi’ cry while his little paws rubbed his little cheeks. Without hesitation, he released many crystal nuclei for everybody’s use.

Duan Wenyu and Jiang Qiu have also found Nie Xiao’s figure, and they were overjoyed. They immediately aimed all their attacks at the hoard of aquatic zombie beasts at sea in front of them.

The rain that started pouring from the sky became Duan Wenyu and Xiao Yan’s most exceptional, heaven sent weapon. Every raindrop turned into a rain sword or ice knife, unstoppably falling straight down from the sky.

A Filthy Rich Hamster in the ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now