A6 C190 - Farce in the Court

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Yin Pojia led his troops in pursuit, but they encountered an unexpected obstacle on the way. Although he didn't recognize the disguised and masked Xuanyuan Qing, he instantly recognized the leader as Crown Prince Zhao Su. His face turned pale, and he simultaneously drew his sword and loudly scolded, "Crown Prince! Are you aiding the rebels, intending to commit treason?!"

Zhao Su paid no heed to his words. She led her troops, fighting with all her might, and her icy aura permeated the surroundings. In a narrow mountain pass, she cornered Yin Pojia's group, forcing them into a dilemma. Swords clashed, creating a cacophony of sound. Dark clouds loomed overhead, and the battle raged on.

Yin Pojia's troops consisted of elite warriors, but Zhao Su's intervention had them at a disadvantage. Rong Xuan realized that the soldiers had reservations due to Zhao Su's identity. They were reluctant to use lethal force. Pulling off a black cloth covering his face, he shouted loudly, "Yin Pojia! Today is the funeral of the Queen. His Highness and his troops are here to pay their respects. How dare you obstruct them? If His Highness is harmed in any way, you will bear the blame!"

Yin Pojia's troops were hastily assembled, not his personal guards. They were already fearful and apprehensive due to the unexpected confrontation with the Crown Prince. Upon hearing Rong Xuan's words, they instinctively stopped, looking at each other in confusion.

Taking action against the Crown Prince was equivalent to regicide, a crime that came with severe consequences.

Yin Pojia, in a fit of anger, exclaimed, "You scoundrel! I am pursuing the fugitive, Ji Fan, who is fleeing to Yan. How can we block His Highness's entourage during the Queen's funeral?"

Rong Xuan pointed to the Queen's coffin and sternly questioned, "Yin Pojia, can't you see that the Queen's coffin is here? You dared to wield your swords before the Queen's spirit. Your irreverence is a grave offense. Not to mention, you have delayed the burial, a second disrespectful act. Halt now!"

Zhao Su's eyes sharpened as she quickly grasped Rong Xuan's meaning. She thrust her sword into the air, gesturing toward his words, and declared coldly, "This Crown Prince is escorting the Queen for her final journey, an act of filial piety, a matter of course! Yin Pojia, you not only obstructed us but also committed violence before the Queen's coffin. These are grave offenses. You all should withdraw immediately, and this prince will not hold you accountable!"

Fearing the consequences of striking the Crown Prince, Yin Pojia's troops had already taken three steps back involuntarily. Yin Pojia saw this and wore an unhappy expression, his teeth clenched, and resentment boiling within him. His grip on the sword tightened and he said, "Crown Prince, I'm pursuing the return of the Yan Crown Prince to the capital under the order of His Majesty. I have no intention of causing offense. We can't delay this matter any further, please step aside, Your Highness!"

The last few words were uttered through gritted teeth.

The narrow mountain pass had become congested as both sides had blocked the path completely. Unless one party decided to step back and make way, there would be no way forward for the other.

Rong Xuan's voice was unwavering as he replied, "Letting a few people escape is not as important as the Queen's burial. The Crown Prince holds a half-sovereign position. Even the ministers need to bow in his presence. Yin Pojia, where do you find the audacity to demand that His Highness makes way for you?"

Even someone as dense as Yin Pojia could tell that Crown Prince Zhao Su was intentionally obstructing them. He was both stunned and furious, saying, "Crown Prince! Aren't you afraid that I'll report this to the Emperor once we return to the capital?!"

Zhao Su, unfazed by the threat, stared directly at him amid the blowing sandstorm and spoke in a cold tone, "General Yin, you should just go now. It would be best if you left immediately."

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