A6 C192 - Extra: Eternal Prosperity

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During the chaos within the Zhou Kingdom, barbarian tribes invaded, diverting a large number of troops to the border to suppress the rebels. The capital city was left vulnerable to attacks. The Eighth Prince had been tasked with governing in the absence of the Emperor and was already overwhelmed. However, as if adding insult to injury, a letter arrived from the Yan Kingdom. It stated that they intended to bring troops into Zhou, welcoming back Princess Yannian and her husband.

After the Yan Kingdom's defeat in the Battle of Changling, they had been biding their time, quietly amassing resources to recover their lost territories. Now, they had a powerful army. With Zhou in such a dire situation, it was not a good time for war.

Although it was reasonable for the princess to follow her husband when she married, sending a significant number of elite cavalry to Zhou for the sole purpose of welcoming them back seemed suspicious.

Ji Fan had just ascended, so why did he mobilize such a massive force?

The Eighth Prince was in a dilemma. He convened his ministers overnight to discuss the situation. If they allowed the Yan people in, they might have ulterior motives. However, if they refused entry, it could lead to conflict and a war that Zhou could never afford.

Some old ministers vehemently opposed, "Absolutely not! Yan and Zhou have long-standing grievances. With the capital's defenses weakened, allowing them to bring troops in is like inviting a wolf into the house!"

The Eighth Prince paced back and forth in frustration, "I know we can't let them in, but Ji Fan, the new Emperor of Yan, is determined to personally welcome Princess Yannian and her husband. Tens of thousands of troops are stationed outside our borders. If they want to enter forcefully, we won't be able to stop them."

After some consideration, a senior member of the cabinet furrowed his brows and said, "If they claim they want to welcome the princess and her husband, let's grant them that. We can send people to escort the princess and her husband to the border, where they can be handed over to the Yan envoy for the final journey. This way, we avoid giving them an excuse to bring their troops across the border."

The Eighth Prince hesitated, "But... I can't help but feel that Ji Fan has something more than just welcoming the princess on his mind. Why would he send a large contingent of elite troops to escort her? Could it be that he harbors ill intentions or a desire for revenge?"

He suspected that Ji Fan might be planning to seize the opportunity to attack Zhou.

The elder cabinet member thought for a moment and said with a serious expression, "Regardless of Ji Fan's intentions, we must not allow the Yan cavalry to enter Zhou. If they use the princess as a pretext, we can deal with it, even if it's just a temporary delay. If a war is inevitable, it should at least have a legitimate reason."

The princess was not particularly influential, and with the Queen dead and Zhao Su deposed, there was no one to rely on. If they could block the Yan Kingdom's aggressive intentions, it would be worth it. Zhou quickly prepared a dowry and bridal procession, escorting Princess Yannian and Yan Fengchen to the border.

The Eighth Prince's suspicions were not entirely misplaced. Ji Fan did indeed have intentions beyond merely welcoming the princess. However, it wasn't about attacking Zhou; it was about someone else.

On this journey outside the border, Rong Xuan's family secretly mingled with the bridal procession. Rong's mother and the princess shared a carriage, Rong Zhengqing disguised himself as an attendant, and Rong Xuan posed as a close guard.

The bridal procession, consisting of nearly a thousand people, hurriedly made their way day and night, quickly reaching Qingyun Pass. Yan Fengchen, perhaps eager to return home, was no longer accompanying the princess in the carriage. Instead, he rode ahead and caught up with the procession. He rode alongside Rong Xuan, and both men were on horseback.

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