11. Spending her Weekend with him

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Disha held up some courage to go down by grabbing her handbag along with her. But Radha signaled Damini to accompany Disha. Disha walked fast to see who it was. Viewing from the stairs, she was astounded to see a man sitting on the bike with a helmet on his head. She refused to walk closer to that man.

She was sure that he must be a kidnapper. She told herself that she was a bold and courageous girl. If that kidnapper tries to kidnap her, she decides to use the pepper spray in the bag. She reached down and noticed a letter in the man's hand. He forwarded the letter to her.

"I don't know who you are. So I couldn't accept the love letter from you." Disha argued with the man.

He walked down from his bike and came closer to her. He again forwarded the letter to her. She couldn't tolerate the stubbornness and audacity of that person.

"I am giving you a warning. Throw this letter into the dustbin, or else, I will use pepper spray on you." Disha warned him.

He encircled his arms around her waist and tugged her close to him. Her heart skipped a beat. Disha was about to react, taking the spray from her bag.

"Hey innocent angel, How will you use your pepper spray if I am wearing the helmet? Well, I even know it is a perfume spray. Don't cheat me." That man voiced out.

Disha blinked and recognized the voice of the man. She slowly removed the helmet from his head. The first thing she witnessed from that man was his smile. A broad smile was on his face; this charming smile was enough for her to tell her that he was Manik.

"Manik, What are you doing here?" She asked, removing only half of the helmet from his head.

He released the hold on her waist and took the helmet from his head completely. He shook his head from left to right. His hair was so nourished and shiny that he had brushed back his short, fluffy hair. Disha adored him. Disha's admiring section came to an end when Manik forwarded the letter again.

"This is not a love letter. This letter was from Mahima to you. She asked me to give this to you. She told me to tell you that it was an emergency." Manik handed over the letter to Disha.

Manik speculated that Damini was standing behind Disha. He went to interact with her, but Disha's focus was on the letter. She opened it.

Dear Disha,

Your father and brother visited my house and threatened to tell me about you. I didn't give any details about you. But I think they have decided to stay in Mumbai for this weekend. So make sure you leave Mumbai for a few days.

A chuckling sound filled the air as Manik and Damini were interacting about crazy things. Disha was upset as she read the letter. Glimpsing at her, Manik grabbed the letter from her hand.

"I need a delivery charge for it." Manik playfully said.

"My life is turning into misery. But you are concerned about your delivery charge." Disha agonized by rubbing her forehead with her palm.

"Why do you worry about little things? Spend this weekend by going somewhere far away from Mumbai." Manik suggested an idea.

"Did you read the letter? Don't you have any manners; how could you read my letter without my permission?"Disha fumed.

"Curiosity in me made me read the letter. I didn't find it wrong." Manik casually said, winking at Damini.

"Did my father and brother see you? Because you and Mahima are residing in the same apartment." Disha enquired.

"No, nothing like that happened. But Mahima even warned me not to stay in Mumbai this weekend. So I have decided to go trekking." Manik elaborated.

"Where?" Damini eagerly asked, as her eyes were shining.

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