44. Midnight cravings

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When Disha woke up from the bed in the hospital, she searched mainly for Manik. But everyone was around her except Manik. She inquired of everyone who had quiet around her. Kalyani spoke to Disha regarding Manik's fright in the relationship.

Disha knew that Manik would be going to Delhi aloof after finding out about the murderer of Akash. But his fast disappearance killed her. She had a feeling that Manik had stomped her heart.

Within a day, her life underwent a drastic change. Ms. Anushka, Manik's secretary from Delhi, took over the management of Disha's medical expenses. Mrs. Laura Victor was appointed to take care of Disha's health.

Fifteen days passed, and Disha felt caged in the new house. Disha sensed being inside the new mansion after coming from the hospital. She couldn't have a tour with an injured, swollen leg inside the mansion. But the bedroom in which she was staying had a magnificent and exquisite appearance to her taste.

While visiting relatives, she learned that this house belonged to Adidev Manik Rajwat from Krish. The more stunning news reached Disha when she learned from Krish about the mansion.

Yes, the mansion that caged Disha had been using the architect's design structure, which she had submitted in her interview round.

Kalyani visited daily to check on her daughter-in-law's health condition. From her speech, Disha understood that she had been staying in the mansion for her.

Disha felt grateful for Kalayni. In her busy schedule, Kalyani decided to take care of her daughter-in-law by attending online meetings. Her parents came to visit Disha, but they didn't even annoyingly speak to her. They poured their care and affection suddenly.

Disha's parents had a dispute with Laura in front of Disha. Disha's parents have decided to take her to Udaipur. Disha's parent argument did not have any change in Laura's decision. Laura was stubborn in her decision to have Disha in Mumbai under her surveillance. The quarreling sound between Laura and her parents made Disha frustrated. Kalyani entered and solved the dispute between them.

Her friends or relatives appeared to speak with Disha only for 15 minutes under the supervision of Laura. Disha hated that. Throughout these fifteen days, she inquired about Manik with everyone. But no one answered her questions about him.

She was missing Manik badly. She was missing her Euphoria Diamond, her husband. All she wanted was his affection and care during her curing period for her legs. But he didn't show his face for once. He didn't speak to her, even on a phone call. She cried, which only her pillows and the four walls surrounding the bedroom knew.

She pretended to be in tranquility before Laura and Anushka. She can't do that to Kalyani. Her mother-in-law was wittier than her. Kalyani knew the way Disha loved Adidev. Every morning, afternoon, and evening, Disha asked only about Manik. Kalyani felt guilty for seeing Disha in this situation.

Disha cried on her mother-in-law's lap many times. She was having a storm inside her heart. She was annoyed to sit inside the house daily. She planned to escape from the mansion. She decided to go to Delhi to meet Manik.

She spoke to Kalyani regarding this escape plan. She finally agreed to help Disha. The ointment and medicines cured Disha's swollen legs, but not completely. She can't have a fast walk, but she can walk, which was not known to Anushka and Laura.

Kalyani gave her very detailed information regarding the new house to Disha. She planned to escape the new house. Kalyani gave the duplicate keys.

"Madam, what shall I cook for you for dinner?" Laura asked, broking her thoughts.

"Anything healthy with ice cream as dessert!" Disha uttered, fidgeting with her fingers.

"Madam, no ice cream," Anushka pronounced strictly, looking at her tab.

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