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A week has already gone since the two of them met and although Haerin thought they would never talk again it seems like Danielle got fond of the girl. The mixed girl made sure to always greet Haerin when they crossed each other in the hallways or even during some common class they had. She even teased her sometimes acting like they were long lasting friends.

"Minji, I can't come with you. You know I'm working that day." Haerin said as she closed her locker

"You can ask Siyeon for a day off." Minji suggested determine to not let go of the topic

"No. I already took some days off next week to study for the upcoming exam session. And I need money." Haerin completely indifferent to Minji's puppy eyes

"Please... Siyeon adores you. She will pay you even on your days off." Minji sighed

"I know but I don't want to abuse her kindness. Even more if it's to go to a stupid party."

"But what am I going to do without my emotional rinrin support ?" Minji whined as they walk out of the campus building

"Don't call me that. Plus, you'll be fine, everyone likes you Minji."

Minji was about to complain again when suddenly someone hugged Haerin from the back making her unable to walk further.

"Haerinah !"

Haerin felt her heart skip a beat when she recognized the Australian girl's voice and the cherry scent going along her.

"Get off me Danielle." Haerin said with her monotonous voice

"Brrr so cold." Danielle replied as she left Haerin and acted like she was freezing

Minji watched the scene restraining herself from bursting into laughter at the sight of her best friend annoyed face to Danielle's antics.

"I swear you look so huggable from a distance with your cute little cheeks." Danielle said as she poked Haerin's cheek. "But you have the most awful personality, Haerin." She added shaking her head in disapprovement

"I totally agree with you. She's my best friend but she's insufferable." Minji finally joined the conversation while extending her arm to Danielle

Haerin huffed, feeling betrayed from every side.

Danielle smiled just noticing the tall girl and she gladly shook her hand.

"You must be Minji, right?"

"Yes. And you're our famous Danielle Marsh."

"In the flesh." Danielle replied with a giggle

"Seems like you two are getting along so I'm going to go." Haerin said as she started to walk to the dorms

Danielle rolled her eyes before grabbing the cat like girl's arm to stop her from running away.

"Don't be jealous, kitty. I was actually going to ask you something."

Haerin internally wanted to scream when she saw Minji's face at the mention of the nickname "kitty" because she already knew she was going to get teased at home.

"Make it quick I have to go home." Haerin sighed

"Are you going to Chaewon's party this friday?"

"No. Is that all ?" Haerin said already prepared to run away

"Oh I must have not been clear. That wasn't a suggestion, Haerin. You'll come. I want you to come please." Danielle said as she grabbed Haerin's hand


"We never hangout outside of the university, Haerin... Please it will be fun I swear. Minji can come too of course. It's your last chance to chill and relax before the exam session." She insisted before Haerin could say anything

Haerin pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.

"You're not going to let go if I refuse ?" She asked, sounding tired, although she found Danielle's insistence quite adorable. Danielle shook her head. "Fine... I'll come."

Minji gasped in shock at how Danielle got a yes so easily. Danielle made an excited noise as she took Haerin in an embrace.

"You won't regret it. I promise." She said happily before disappearing into the crowd of students as quickly as she arrived.

Haerin and Minji started to walk to the dorms when Minji exclaimed "Wow... just wow...". Still baffled by the scene she just witnessed.

Haerin ignored her hoping she would eventually shut up but it was Minji we're talking about... There was no way she's letting that slide.

"When did the two of you get so close ?" Minji asked as they arrived in their apartment and Haerin sat on the living room's couch.

"I already told you we met at your practice."

"Well you definitely forgot to tell me you were friendly enough to hug each other and have little nicknames. Right kitty?"

"Shut up !"

Haerin threw a cushion that Minji easily dodged.

"You saw yourself that she's the one who initiated all the things you mentioned. It's not my fault if she's that friendly to all the people she met." Haerin replied trying to justify herself

"Maybe but it doesn't seem to bother you either. Moreover, I feel betrayed." Minji said dramatically. "You agreed so quickly to go to the party when she asked." Minji crossed her arms and pouted

"She wasn't going to let me breathe all week if I said no. I know her." Haerin sighed

"Are you sure you're not hiding anything from me Kang Haerin ?" Minji said squinting her eyes as she finally sat next to Haerin

Haerin's brows furrowed. "What are you implying ?"

"Well... Danielle's a really beautiful lady..."

"So are you. And in all this years did I try to hit on you ?" Haerin said as she looked so done with her best friend

"No... But why does it sound like you're doing so just now ?" Minji giggled as she put a string of hair behind her ear to tease Haerin

"Oh shut up. Idiot." Haerin rolled her eyes and chuckled as well

"Anyway... I'm hungry. I'll cook for us." Minji rolled up her sleeves as she walked away. But before entering the kitchen, she took one last suspicious look at Haerin. "You would have told me if there was something between you two, right kitty ?" She said but when she saw Haerin trying to grab another cushion to throw, Minji quickly disappeared into the kitchen.

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