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When Haerin got back to the dorms and opened the door to her apartment she was immediately welcomed by Minji. The tall girl had brought a chair to the entrance and was sitting there since she woke up, just waiting for Haerin to come so that she could scold her for not answering any of her calls last night.

Haerin froze in her tracks as she noticed her friend holding a sign stating "welcome home cheater". If she wasn't in an awful mood she probably would have laughed but instead she just rolled her eyes and passed by Minji like she didn't exist.

"Are you kidding me ? What with the sassy attitude, Kang Haerin ? I should be the one who's mad. Why didn't you tell me you weren't coming home, you punk." Minji exclaimed as she followed Haerin to her room.

Haerin just sighed and searched for clean clothes in her wardrobe while still ignoring her friend.

"Kang Haerin. I'm talking to you. Hello ?"

"Minji, could you just shut up for five seconds? You're being too noisy early in the morning." Haerin complained as she was emptying her wardrobe because she couldn't find any comfy clothes.

"Not until you explain yourself." Minji closed the wardrobe's door.

"I need to take a shower first." She said before taking a hoodie and jogging pants from the mess she just made and walking away.

Minji continued to follow her across the apartment like a lost puppy. "Fine. But I know you fucked her. You can't fool me."

"Shut up !" Haerin exclaimed, scandalized as she entered and locked the bathroom.

Once Haerin was done showering, Minji took her hostage in the living room. Haerin, sitting on the couch with her arm crossed, was trying to avoid her friend's judgemental eyes.

Minji sighed. "Don't you want to dry your hair first? Because you can't tell me the juiciest drama in your life while looking like you just fell into a river."

"No. You know the hair dryer damages hair." Haerin replied in a petty tone. "But if you really need my hair to be dry... We can wait for a few hours before I tell you everything."

"Haerin, don't play dumbs with me I already want to smack the shit out of you." Minji said with a scary smile that made Haerin shush in a second.

Since Haerin was finally kind of behaving. Minji took a deep breath before starting her interrogation.

"So... You obviously had sex with Danielle." Minji said. "No. Shhhh. Don't try to deny it." She added when she saw Haerin was about to cut her off. "There is no other explanation for you staying over at her and then sneaking back home like a thief this morning." Minji frowned like she wasn't approving of this fact at all. "But my real question is... Since you obviously got what you wanted for months now, why do you not seem happy at all ?" Minji finished her speech while skeptical squinting her eyes.

A long conversation came after that. Haerin, even if she was reluctant at first, explained everything that happened last night to Minji. Surprisingly, she seemed less affected by what was going on than when she first kissed Danielle. Was it because she took the decision of forgetting and erasing Danielle from her life ? Or was she just getting better at hiding her true emotions ? Who knows.

"That's the whole story huh ?" Minji said before getting lost in her thoughts.

So Danielle was really committed to not saying anything to Haerin about her real situation ?

On the other side, an emergency meeting was being held at Danielle's house.

"YOU GUYS DID WHAT ?" Hanni's voice resonated into the whole apartment.

"Was she good ?" Hyein asked with an annoying smirk.

Danielle became completely red at the question. "Hyein, that's not the point."

"Yeah, that's not the time for this." Hanni said as she was pacing nervously across the room.

"Come on~! We need more details Hanni." Hyein protested.

"Not before I give this idiot a lesson."

Hanni then turned back and threateningly walked to Danielle who tried to hide behind the couch. But Hyein held the little one back by her waist before she could kick Danielle's ass and Hanni was just struggling ridiculously to reach the mixed girl now.

"How could you do something like that when I do everything for Minji to understand you and be on your side !?"

Danielle lowered her head in shame. "I'm sorry."

Hanni sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm not the one you should apologize to. Do you know how Haerin must feel ? Why didn't you just tell her the truth like I told you ?"

"I... I don't know. I panicked." Danielle muttered, nervously biting her inside cheek.

"Danielle..." Hanni sighed. "It seems more and more to me that this isn't just about your dad. You're just afraid of commitment. You're totally leading her on. This isn't right. Maybe..." She hesitated to continue her sentence.

"Maybe what ?" Danielle asked anxiously as she was scratching her neck.

"Maybe you should just turn the page with her..."

"Wow wow wow. Hanni, I agree with you on almost everything but aren't you using some strong word there ?" Hyein interjected.

"Yeah... Maybe... I don't know. This is just all fucked up." Hanni replied feeling a bit tired.

"We'll find a way to fix all this mess together. We just all need to calm down first." Hyein said softly.

The two others nodded in agreement and they all took time to think in their own bubble.

"Now that everyone calmed down. I still need an answer to my question from earlier." Hyein said after some time.

"HYEIN !" The Aussie line yelled in unison when they understood what she was talking about.

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