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Months had faded away and spring arrived making Danielle more joyful than ever. She loved everything about this season. The way the weather will become softer because of the sun coming back from its vacation. The way everything will become more vivid, the sky gaining back its blue color, flowers blooming all around. The way she could dress lighter even during late night walks. Something about this time of the year felt so comforting to her, like nothing could go wrong.

Moreover, they had their last exam session of the year a week ago and we're just waiting for the results now.

That gave them a lot more free time so Danielle made it her duty to come up with things to do with the girls everyday.

She bought a cute agenda and was scheduling their day every morning while Haerin was off to work.

Everytime she came from the coffee shop, she would wonder what new ideas her girlfriend had come up with for the day.

If Danielle had written down something on the schedule, this thing was going to be done no matter what and she never let any of them dodge an activity.

For now, they had a picnic day. But the specificity of it was that Danielle insisted that they had to go to the picnic spot by bikes which got chaotic because Hyein didn't know how to bike. So they spent half of the day teaching her which was a tough task since Hyein didn't put any heart into it, too busy sulking because Minji kept making fun of her.

By the time they finally got to the location, the sun was already coming down and the whole picnic afternoon turned into a picnic evening under the stars. However, even if everything didn't go according to plan, Danielle was still really satisfied with it as they were able to make memories.

The next day, they went to an escape room. They unfortunately failed miserably because Haerin was the only one trying to actually solve the enigmas. Hanni and Danielle did try to help the cat-like girl but they ended up being more of a hassle, stressing out the Korean by asking a ton of questions and not giving any solutions.

As for the others, they were too occupied to play with the props instead of focusing on the real game, making it their duty to disturb the hard working ones as the evil duo they were.

They had a bowling day, a baking one, board game night... This went on and on for a few days

They were currently on the ninth day of this dictatorship established by the mixed girl. Since one of her university friends organized a party that night, she decided it was going to be the plan for the day because she was actually kind of running out of ideas. So she accord them free time during the day for once.

However, the girls still gathered in Danielle's apartment early in the afternoon by habit.

Hyein and Haerin had transformed her living room into an acrylic nail salon. Hyein was currently taking care of the cat-like girl who watched every step she made carefully. It was her first time getting her nails done and she was curious about the process of it and amazed by how Hyein was doing it with ease, like a real professional.

Danielle was glancing at them from time to time while doing her makeup. She found them really cute. These two made a surprisingly good team, she thought.

Haerin really liked spending time with Hyein. She was talented in a lot of domains and she always felt like learning a lot from her. Hyein, feeling acknowledged by that, tended to soften in Haerin’s presence. Haerin was probably the only one laid up from her sarcastic comments.

“So… How are things going with Junghwan ?” Haerin whispered discreetly to Hyein.

Two weeks ago, on a random day, Hyein decided to contact the horror mansion guy out of boredom.

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