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It's already been a few minutes since she and Minji walked away from the horror mansion. Minji was still holding her hand firmly and leading them throughout the crowd of people in the fair. Hanni smiled happily. Technically, because of the bet they made, they still weren't together. But from any angle you could look at the current situation, this was obviously a date.

“Why are you isolating us from the rest of the group ?” Hanni asked with a sly smile.

She wanted to tease Minji a little to get back at her for what she did earlier.

Usually, Minji would simply blush and say something to dodge the question. But this time, she smirked and glanced at Hanni without stopping her motion. “Isn't it obvious ? I want you for myself for the rest of the day.” She said nonchalantly.

Hanni stayed silent, too flustered to think of something to reply. She lamentably failed at her own game. One comeback from Minji and she was already K.O.

Minji looked back at her once more because of the lack of answer she got.

When she saw Hanni trying to avoid her gaze with a shy smile plastered on her face, she couldn't hold herself back from chuckling. “Why are you nitpicking If you’re going to fold right away?”

“Cut me some slack. You didn't react the way I expected.” Hanni huffed.

“You thought you were the only one able to flirt huh ?” Minji teased further.

“Minji… Please stop…” Hanni whined. “Where are you leading us by the way ?” She tried to change the subject.

“A bit of patience sweetie. We’re almost there.”

They continued their way a bit more as a ferris wheel revealed itself from behind the other attractions the further they walked.

“That's where we were going all this time?” Hanni looked up to the ferris wheel excitedly.

Minji nodded, she brought her to a calm attraction since the Australian girl complained about being tired when they were in the horror mansion. “I thought we could end the evening with something chill.”

“It's a good choice I must admit.” Hanni replied as they were waiting in the line. “Too bad the others aren't there too. Haerin might have liked this one.”

“I don't think putting us all in such a confined place would have resulted in anything good.” Minji joked. “Hyein and I would have probably tried to kill each other before the end of it.”

Hanni chuckled. “Y’all have to learn to behave. Seriously, I still can't understand where and why you became enemy.”

Minji cackled silently, knowing that everything actually started because of Hanni.

Then, their turn finally came and they got on the ferris wheel. Minji sat down on the booth's bench and admired Hanni taking pictures of the landscape from up there. The little one who was standing, struggled to keep her balance and kept stumbling from left and right since the booth was shaky. This resulted in her pictures being all blurry and Minji kept annoyingly mocking her for it.

As the wheel revolved a second time, the Australian girl sat down next to Minji and laid her head on the other girl's shoulder.

Both being tired, they enjoyed the view silently, just being together was soothing enough.

However, Minji ended up breaking the silence. “I didn't actually plan to do it like that… But it seems like the universe offered me the opportunity to make it cliché…” She said softly.

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