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Danielle and Haerin were still enjoying their times in the field of tulips when it suddenly started raining cats and dogs.

The two girls exchanged a surprised look before Haerin grabbed Danielle's hand and started to run as fast as she could towards her car.

Danielle couldn't restrain her laugh as they were running and getting wetter every second passing. The cat-like girl looked back at her while running and she started to chuckle too.

The two of them looked like a mess. Their hair was soaking wet and their clothes became all drenched and sticky.

Once they arrived near the car, Haerin opened the door for Danielle. Then she searched for a blanket she remembered having in her car trunk. She immediately took a seat at the driver side once she got a handle on it and gave the blanket to Danielle who tried to protest.

"You should have it. You're as dampened as I am."

"No. It's okay Marsh. You're gonna get sick otherwise."


"I can't use it while driving anyway."

Danielle easily gave up when she saw Haerin's soft smile. Then they realized in what shape they were and burst into laughter once more.

"Oh my god. That was so bad!" Danielle chuckled as she wrapped herself into the blanket.

"Yeah... The weather wasn't with us today."

Before starting to ride, Haerin checked her messages and frowned when she entered her conversation with Minji.

"What's wrong?" Danielle asked.

Haerin showed her conversation with Minji. "I'm getting kicked out of my house."

"Oh my god. This is the perfect occasion for a sleepover !" Danielle exclaimed after reading their text.

"What do you mean ?"

Danielle rolled her eyes. "You're obviously going to stay at my house."

"When did I agree on this?" Haerin said with an annoying smirk.

"It's not negotiable. If you decide to go elsewhere I'll follow you." She said curtly.

Haerin sensing Danielle's annoyance at her lack of enthusiasm softly took the mixed girl hand and squeezed it gently.

"Just kidding. Of course I'll stay at your apartment Danielle." She said softly.

Danielle huffed and withdrew her hand to put on the GPS for Haerin. Even though she tried to act a little cold, she couldn't restrain a foolish smile spreading across her face because of the Korean girl's concern and sweet voice.

Then she put some music on : Paris in the rain by Lauv and they silently took the road. All wrapped up in the blanket, Danielle looked throughout the window while Haerin was humming the song. Her voice was soothing and if Danielle wasn't excited for the pajama party she probably would have fallen asleep.

When they arrived at Danielle's, they were both still soaked. Therefore, they started by both taking a shower. Danielle gave Haerin some of her clothes and by the time Haerin finished washing herself, the food delivery arrived with their pizza.

They enjoyed the food in front of some episodes of Gilmore girls. After some time, Danielle felt tired and slowly switched position to lay on Haerin's laps.

Haerin didn't even flinch, none of her usual protests or teasing. She simply let her be and mechanically started to pet Danielle's hair while they were enjoying the show.

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