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At first, Haerin was really sceptical about dancing. She felt like she was going to ridiculise herself. However, with Danielle's lead, it became more and more natural. To the point where she really felt like enjoying herself. Danielle was looking stunning and the fact that she was laughing with her made Haerin feel great and filled with happiness.

"I need that." Haerin said feeling pretty much thirsty once they were done dancing. She took the can of beer from Danielle's hand and drank it down in one go.

"Shit. Be careful." Danielle said as she chuckled in disbelief. "You'll never fail to surprise me. I never thought you were a heavy drinker."

"Why ?" Haerin asked with a smug face but before Danielle could answer, the Korean girl recognized someone she really didn't want to see in the crowd.
"Oh my god." Haerin exclaimed as she hid herself behind Danielle's back while holding her shoulder "I need to hide." She whispered in her ear, making Danielle completely confused.

"Hide ? Why would you need to hide ?" She asked while Haerin was slowly leading them behind a couch. They crouched down to be fully hidden before Haerin finally replied.

"Do you see the wine red-haired girl with a bang?"

Danielle raised her head a little to take a peak and spot the girl Haerin was talking about.

"The tall one ?" She asked


"Yeah I see her. She's really pretty. What's the problem with her ?" Danielle asked, feeling more and more curious.

"She's my ex, I can't let her see me." Haerin sighed

"Your ex ?" Danielle raised an eyebrow


"I know it can be awkward to encounter an ex but do you have to go this far ?"

"It's a bit more complicated than that." Haerin explained

Danielle looked at Haerin feeling more and more curious about this whole story.

"We have all the time in the world, you can explain. I mean if it doesn't bother you."

Haerin sighed for a second. "Okay. But let's find somewhere else first. It's a bit uncomfortable here."

Danielle looked at their surroundings and nodded.

"Okay. Follow me, I know somewhere."

They quickly left their hiding spot and Danielle guided them through the house. Chaewon was a close friend of hers so she knew the place pretty well. They went upstairs and Danielle took a key that was hidden under a gardenia pot. Haerin observed her a bit intrigued as Danielle opened the door of a bedroom.

"Chaewon always locks her door because she doesn't want people to make out in her bedroom." Danielle explained when she saw Haerin's expression

"Then why did we come here ?" Haerin said, she felt like she was being intrusive. Besides, it made her uncomfortable to be in an isolated place with Danielle.

"Do you plan to make out with me ?" Danielle said sarcastically

Haerin felt her cheeks redden at the question.

"No. Of course not."

"Then there's no problem. At least now, you can tell me your story without being caught by..."

"Eunchae. Her name is Eunchae." Haerin finished Danielle's sentence.

"Yeah. Tell me about her."

Danielle was looking at Haerin with her piercing eyes again and the Korean girl felt like she was getting interrogated or something. She scratched her nape not knowing where to begin. Then she sat down on Chaewon's bed and started to talk.

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