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It's been two weeks since the kiss accident happened. Haerin had been avoiding Danielle since then. Everytime they would cross each other because they take the same course, Haerin would lower her head and quicken her pace. Not even a Hi. They truly did go back to day one. Even if it hurts, Danielle decided to respect Haerin's boundary so she didn't try to reach her since then.

Haerin completely buried herself under work during those two weeks. She was either studying or working at the coffee shop, taking late night shifts just to keep her mind occupied and not think of Danielle. It got to a point where she barely fed herself, Minji always had to cook for her and make sure she eats. Otherwise, the cat-like girl was just too distracted to think of it.

However, there was something the both of them completely forgot until this day : Mr. Choi's assignment. They already submitted their names as partners so they had no choice but to do it together. And the deadline was dangerously coming up.

Haerin remembered it two days ago and she didn't know what to do about it. After endless debate with herself she decided to send Danielle a message.

To Marshmallow <3 :

Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I'll do Mr. Choi assignment and submit it to him. Of course, I'll put your name on it too so you don't have to burden yourself with it. Have a nice day.

The text was immediately seen by Danielle but Haerin strangely got no answer. She just assumed Danielle took it into consideration and didn't feel the need to reply.

After some time, while Haerin was walking to her next class, someone suddenly grabbed her wrist. Haerin looked up completely confused. Danielle was leading her somewhere. She looked out of breath almost like she had to run in order to find Haerin.

"We need to talk." She simply said as they entered an empty class.

In fact, Danielle acted on an impulse after seeing Haerin's text. A sort of anger built up inside her. There was no way she would agree with what Haerin suggested in her text.

"I don't understand. Ki... Haerin, is it really so insufferable to be in my presence that you're actually considering doing this big ass of an assignment all by yourself ?"

No answers.

Danielle sighed. "Haerin, don't do this again. Stop keeping everything to yourself. Talk to me."

"I thought it would make you feel uncomfortable." Haerin finally said.

"What do you mean ?"

"Me interacting with you. I thought you'd feel uncomfortable and that this would be the best way to deal with the assignment."

Haerin was just being sweet and considerate as always and Danielle just had to gather all her self control not to kiss her because she truly missed the cat-like girl's lips.

"Well, it doesn't. And even if it did, I wouldn't let you do that assignment all by yourself. It wouldn't be right."

"So...?" Haerin said a bit unsure of what to assume from that answer.

"So we'll fix an appointment and finish this project." Danielle replied.

Haerin nodded and turned on herself to leave the room.

"Haerin, wait !" The Korean girl looked back at Danielle. "So you're not mad at me ?"

Haerin frowned. "Why would I be mad at you ?"

"Uhm..." Danielle hesitated, she wasn't even sure herself about what she was talking about.

"I'm not. It's fine Danielle. See you around." Then Haerin left the room for real this time.

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