Physics and Worries (November 27, 2023)

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New story again??? Feels like not long ago that I started the last one- but 601 days in a row is kinda a lot :0

I woke up at 6:45 AM from my alarms.

Day 1, first was math. We did some revision for chapter 11, about permutations and combinations.

Next was titulaire, there was a presentation for Mount Royal University but I didn't go see it. Instead I was practicing my ZBLLs ^^

In English, we had a substitute and had to start a new project for either Death of a Salesman or Fury. It's similar to the project we did for The Wars, where we kinda had the choice between certain projects like one-pager, visual representation, character analysis, or essay. I think I'll do a character analysis on Norman Ellison from Fury.

For sports medicine we just did our own exercises, I did legs.

Then in physics, we got back a test and I got 80%, but then I asked about a half point she took off for the significant numbers, apparently she told us to change the value of one of the coefficients of friction in the test but I didn't hear it, so then she gave me that half point. That makes it 83%, slightly better, but I'm still not happy. The rest were just dumb mistakes, and two points that I got off because I used the wrong friction coefficien, which I knew at the time but I was rushed, and she told us we would have time the next class, but we didn't- I think I did even worse on the next test we had done, but we haven't gotten that one back yet. Then we sort of started on energy, and for sort of the first time I feel pretty lost in a course-

When I was on the bus home, I tried doing some of the physics homework but I was just lost. I hate this feeling, I feel helpless when I'm meant to be the one that knows things.

When I got home, I streamed for 2 hours and 24 minutes, having a decently good time! I just solved like usual, though there was a point in which Aspen was talking to me about yellow cross again, and I explained that I kind of felt like her comments were more attacks than tips, and she explained herself too, and came to an understanding. Though I still wanna pursue yellow cross ^^ I raided pulsarcubes.

After supper, I did some

Now I'll be honest, I'm worried about Lexi. Her irl friend told me that he hadn't seen her at school and didn't talk to her on discord, and she's been offline for the past two days. I'm scared something happened.

Then I was talking to my sweet dear enboy Sats :3 I love xem so much, the perfect partner for me ^^ Xe's incredible :3 Xe's also developed a fascination with butts XD 😽💙💙💙

It is now 12:38 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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