2nd Semester (February 1, 2024)

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I woke up at 6:40 AM from my alarms.

Our next semester started today, we were instructed to go to our homeroom to then be given our schedules. Our titulaire teacher left the class though and the other teacher told us to go to our class, but we didn't know what we had?? This school is really poorly organized, every also agrees, thinking it's the new principal this year. So we eventually found our French class, and were given the schedules. They were printed really confusingly, so I turned the page over and made my own schedule that, yaknow, made sense-

So it was day 1, first class being French. The teacher seems good enough.

Next was physics (30 now!) and our class is now in the library. Mme G gave us back the final exam for physics 20, which I got 90% on because I got 4 questions wrong. One of the them was asking the height of a ping-pong ball that was hit 16 cm above the table, and I just forgot to add those 16 cm 😭 and the others were just about the physics principles that I had mixed up in my head.

For socials, the teacher is kinda scary- He can speak at normal levels, but when he wants to speak loudly... oh my God it's loud- He said he's been teaching for 30 years though and he seems to be passionate about the subject so that's good. He's only teaching us on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, missing out on the other two days of the week so that he can spend time with his daughter, who has cancer.

Next we had calculus, it seems like it's gonna be fun! We started, talking about those equations that have the greater than or lesser than symbol and stuff.

Then we had physics again, starting a lab thing about 2 objects in collision.

When I got home, I streamed for 1 hour and 58 minutes, I had an okay time. It just feels like fewer and fewer people are showing up anymore. I raided pulsarcubes.

After supper, I showered then talked with Maxie!! We even got to call again since xirs granny let the wifi back on! ^^ I missed my boy, it was a fun n goofy time :3 Xe's also been overbinding, and I wanna do all I can to help xem 💙💙💙 I love that boy so much 🥺💙💙💙

It is now 1:12 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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